Hi Ilias and Jose,
I agree that 4 mins is very unusual
We run GeoNetwork v.2.10, and on our instance, using CSW, returning 100 records takes < 4 seconds.
For instance: this WCAG-compliant GUI [ http://www.bom.gov.au/metadata/catalogue/index.shtml ] uses CSW to query our “externally-facing” GeoNetwork instance, with a postgres database. That instance only has 140 records in it.
We get similar CSW speeds with our “internally-facing” GeoNetwork instance – which has about 200,000 records in it.
100 records in 4 min is really bad performance and should not be usual. Can you provide some information about the setup you have and also the number of metadata in the catalogue?
Jose García
On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 3:35 PM, ilias ioannou <illiasi@…1153…> wrote:
Dear all,
I am involved in a project where we have to retrieve information from a Geonetwork metadata catalog and display them to the user (not by using the native interface of GN).
We initially chose to implement the solution of CSW since it is highly reccomended by ESA and other european organizations. The problem is that CSW requests have a very bad performance and they have caused serious issues of usability (aka returning 100 records in 4 mins).
On the other hand we have noticed that the native UI of GN is still a very fast search engine (it uses opensearch protocol?), and by now we are considering to change all the implementation and never use CSW again.
Can someone explain me what is going on, and/or give me any suggestions?
Is it the lack of resources or optimizations? And if thats the reason, then why the native search engine stills works very fast?
Kind regards,
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Vriendelijke groeten / Kind regards,
Jose García
Veenderweg 13
6721 WD Bennekom
The Netherlands
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