Hi Christian,
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 1:32 PM, <christian.mueller@anonymised.com> wrote:
There is a problem concerning the db setup.
Looking here
I see a single file “data-db-default.sql”.
The corresponding Java code is here
loadSqlDataFile(String url)
This code searches for a file specific for a database, e. g.
“data-db-oracle.sql” but it should use “data-db-default.sql” for all
You’re right! The way to load SQL files changed few weeks ago in the trunk and is not updated into the gast module…
It is related to that ticket #427 [1].
Here you have the main changes [2], the DatabaseLib should also be updated.
Should I open a ticket with a patch ?
IMHO, you should rather re-open the existing one and add a note about the inconsistency between modules.
For sure, you could also attach a patch to that comment to fix that and update the gast module.
Anyway, the question could be : is the developper community willing to maintain the gast module…but that’s another discussion!
[1] http://trac.osgeo.org/geonetwork/ticket/427
[2] http://geonetwork.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/geonetwork?view=revision&revision=7201
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