[GeoNetwork-devel] Geonetwork Metadata Hierarchies

Dear all,

I am working on metadata for geographical datasets, and one basic requirement is to provide a number of datasets (=MD_Metadata) as a list. I think that this means that the metadata should have a certain type of hierarchy, but I don’t know how to implement it.

Firstly, I thought of using the aggregates/series (for example ) in order to relate datasets to a certain “list”.

I have read the Iso 19115 specification but I would like to see some real example since I cant find one “real life” example.

Secondly, I thought of doing this is by setting the Hierarchy level as series. I’ve never seen an example of this either.

Would you mind helping me find a solution?

Are there any guidelines suggesting the use of aggregation in iso19115 apart from standard metadata specification?

What would be the correct way of dealing with metadata hierarchies?