[GeoNetwork-devel] GeoNetwork PSC meeting

Dear all,

This afternoon we have a scheduled PSC meeting. With François being on holidays, I would like to ask if people have things for the agenda, or if we’d rather skip this meeting, deal with communication by email and meet next month again?

Topics that are important now are:

  • The week of 23 September we will have a GN code sprint in the office in Bennekom (instead of in another location as we first thought). I will send a separate email about that this afternoon. My understanding was that Florent and Olivia were unable to participate in person during the sprint but can possibly join online for things they wish to work on. Let me know if that is correct?

  • Quite a lot of work is currently ongoing on both a future GN-core version (GN5) and on DCAT support for multiple Application Profiles, including mapping to the existing ISO19115-3 metadata standard.

  • I have asked Jody to join the project more actively, especially to coordinate e.g. the voting process, follow PR’s and check if communication around new functionality is clear and transparent. With his experience in the GeoServer project I am convinced that will be of great value to the project.

Looking forward to hear from you. Cheers,


Jeroen Ticheler

E-mail: jeroen.ticheler@anonymised.com.


Veenderweg 13

6721 WD Bennekom

The Netherlands

Tel: +31318416664