[GeoNetwork-devel] Harvest matches more than one schema


I tried to make a harvest, but I find myself unretrievable. When checking
the log all records were not collected for the following reason:
Metadata record with MD_Metadata (Namespace: [namespace: prefix "gmd" is
mapped to URI "http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd"\] matches more than one
schema - namely: [iso19139, iso19139.bmg] - during schema autodetection mode
SchemaMatchConflictException: Metadata record with MD_Metadata (Namespace)
[Namespace: prefix "gmd" is mapped to URI
"http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd"\] matches more than one schema - namely:
[iso19139, iso19139.bmg] - during schema autodetection mode 1

The schema iso19139.bmg was a customization made from the
iso19139. I would like the metadata imported from that match with

Any idea?

Note: I am using version 3.4.4 and performing a harvest of a node 2.10.0

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Hi Tarcísio,

To me, it sounds like your schema-ident.xml for iso19139.bmg is too similar (possibly even identical?) to the schema-ident.xml for (built-in) iso19139.

(Schema-ident.xml for iso19139 in Geonetwork 3.4 can be found here https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/blob/3.4.x/schemas/iso19139/src/main/plugin/iso19139/schema-ident.xml )

If you want to import iso19139 records as iso19139.bmg instead of iso19139, you will probably need to make the core iso19139 schema-ident.xml not work for the same records… e.g., make it so iso19139/schema-ident.xml will never accept a record, for example by adding a custom namespace to the schema declaration and specifying that namespace as an element within the section.

If you have specially crafted metadata elements, extensions, or namespaces, you should make iso19139.bmg/schema-ident.xml more specific instead. (e.g., if your records use Marine Community Profile/MCP elements, make sure you’re checking for the mcp namespace declaration)

Hopefully that helps!



From: Tarcísio Silva de Araújo tarcisio.saraujo@anonymised.com
Sent: 03 May 2019 15:40
To: geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [GeoNetwork-devel] Harvest matches more than one schema


I tried to make a harvest, but I find myself unretrievable. When checking
the log all records were not collected for the following reason:
Metadata record with MD_Metadata (Namespace: [namespace: prefix “gmd” is
mapped to URI “http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd”] matches more than one
schema - namely: [iso19139, iso19139.bmg] - during schema autodetection mode
SchemaMatchConflictException: Metadata record with MD_Metadata (Namespace)
[Namespace: prefix “gmd” is mapped to URI
http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd”] matches more than one schema - namely:
[iso19139, iso19139.bmg] - during schema autodetection mode 1

The schema iso19139.bmg was a customization made from the
iso19139. I would like the metadata imported from that match with

Any idea?

Note: I am using version 3.4.4 and performing a harvest of a node 2.10.0

Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/GeoNetwork-developer-f3874395.html

GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Hi All,
I noticed that GeoNetwork uses wro4j to compile LESS files to css. But in my case, the imports are not being processed. The browser did find a css file (eg, gn_search_default.css), however the content of that css file is exactly the same as the less file, it has the @import “xxx.less” and the less syntax, so the browser doesn’t understand the style and not display the content correctly. I found one issue from the github repository (https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/issues/2535). But seems like my issue is kinda different than this one, the import location is correct.
Also when I use mvn install, I successfully created the .war file with no error messages. It’s just that the less file not been correctly compiled.
Any ideas would be appreciated.




Zhuoyue Zhou

Hello Kim,

I did the following:
<autodetect xmlns: bmg = &quot;http://geoportal.ide.ba.gov.br/bmg&quot;
xmlns: gmd = &quot;http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&quot;
xmlns: gco = &quot;http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gco&quot;&gt;
<gmd: metadataStandardName>
<gco: CharacterString> EMG-Bahia, ISO 19115: 2003 / Cor.1: 2006
Profile </ gco: CharacterString>
</ gmd: metadataStandardName>
</ elements>
</ autodetect>

Thank you for your help.

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