I am trying to include a legend in a PDF (for which I am using a specific template). So far I am able to get the legend in the pdf by including the legend block in the yaml file. The issue I have is that I can't add space between layers if "inline" property is set to false (I am doing this in order to have the legend on multiple columns). If inline is set to true I get space between layers. Below you can find my legend block definition in the yaml configuration file. I would be grateful if anyone could help me with this issue. Thank you!
Legend block definition:
- !columns
absoluteX: 27
absoluteY: 270
width: 550
- !legends
layerSpace: 10
dontBreakItems: true
defaultScale: 0.7
maxHeight: 200
maxIconHeight: 0
maxIconWidth: 0
inline: false