I’m trying to set up a CI platform so we can test the schemas that Astun add to the GeoNetwork build before we ship to customers but I’m having problems with the junit tests locally, I see you have a passing travis build badge (https://travis-ci.org/geonetwork/core-geonetwork) on the github home page so I assumed that the note in the build documentation about needing to skip tests (https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/tree/master/software_development#build-geonetwork) is out of date.
Am I missing something? is there some local set up I need to set before my tests will pass?
Also once I get the unit tests out of the way will the integration tests pass?
Ian Turton
Hi Ian,
In theory, the tests can be run with no problem. Sometimes there is one that randomly fails (regarding thesauri) but another run clean usually fix the problem. It happens more often in my local computer than in Travis, so I think it has to do with a non clean environment.
The integration tests are something still experimental but yes, in theory they should pass. Haven’t check yet personally with latest build. Until we incorporate them to Travis, there is no way to warrantee they will always pass.
On Mon, Apr 29, 2019 at 12:23 PM Ian Turton <ijturton@anonymised.com> wrote:
I’m trying to set up a CI platform so we can test the schemas that Astun add to the GeoNetwork build before we ship to customers but I’m having problems with the junit tests locally, I see you have a passing travis build badge (https://travis-ci.org/geonetwork/core-geonetwork) on the github home page so I assumed that the note in the build documentation about needing to skip tests (https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/tree/master/software_development#build-geonetwork) is out of date.
Am I missing something? is there some local set up I need to set before my tests will pass?
Also once I get the unit tests out of the way will the integration tests pass?
Ian Turton
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