[GeoNetwork-devel] Logos in multi-node geonetwork

Hi List,

In geonetwork 3.2.x in multi-node mode, it seems as if the catalogue logos all share the same upload directory- that for the default node. I am struggling to upload a logo for a non-default node. The first time I try, no error occurs but the logo does not show in the interface for making default. If I try again, I get an upload error and the log files tell me the file exists- and it’s in the directory for the default node. If I look at the default node logo interface I can see the file.

Happy to submit a bug if others can confirm this behaviour.



Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek

Hi Jo

I get not the exactly the same, but similar. Let me describe the case, I have 2 nodes srv and node2:

  1. I upload a logo to node2 → The logo uploads fine and is displayed in the list. Also can be set as default for the node.

  2. I switch to srv node → The logo is not displayed in the list, but if I try to upload it to this node I get an error and in the log file:

java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException: /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/geonetwork/WEB-INF/data_node2/data/resources/images/harvesting/my-logo.png

Seem the default node tries to use the data directory for node2, this is quite similar to what you describe. Please open a issue in GitHub for this.

I’m using a SNAPSHOT previous to 3.2.1, as I have tried with 3.2.1 installer and also with latest 3.2.x branch and in any of them I’m able to log in the node2 and no error for this in the log. If you can test if works for you in latest 3.2.x branch, just to discard any issue with my current setup.

Jose García


On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Jo Cook <jocook@anonymised.com…> wrote:

Hi List,

In geonetwork 3.2.x in multi-node mode, it seems as if the catalogue logos all share the same upload directory- that for the default node. I am struggling to upload a logo for a non-default node. The first time I try, no error occurs but the logo does not show in the interface for making default. If I try again, I get an upload error and the log files tell me the file exists- and it’s in the directory for the default node. If I look at the default node logo interface I can see the file.

Happy to submit a bug if others can confirm this behaviour.


Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek

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Vriendelijke groeten / Kind regards,

Jose García

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