I’m trying to build the develop branch of core-geonetwork using mvn clean install. Python and closure are installed as per the developer manual https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/tree/develop/software_development and submodules are initialised using git submodule update --init. I get the following maven build errors during run of the findbugs maven plugin (specifically, failure occurs during jeeves run):
Null passed for nonnull parameter of doRollback(PlatformTransactionManager, TransactionStatus) in jeeves.TransactionAspect.runInTransaction(String, ApplicationContext, TransactionAspect$TransactionRequirement, TransactionAspect$CommitBehavior, boolean, TransactionTask) [“jeeves.TransactionAspect”] At TransactionAspect.java:[lines 23-110]
Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:findbugs-maven-plugin:2.5.3:check (default) on project jeeves: failed with 1 bugs and 0 errors → [Help 1]
Also another question: are Python and Closure dependencies still required in the current version of core-geonetwork? The following discussion http://sourceforge.net/p/geonetwork/mailman/message/32062723/ indicates that these dependencies are no longer required.
Angus Scheibner