Hi everyone,
We are willing to improve the DCAT compatibility in Geonetwork to make Geonetwork able to interact better in the open data ecosystem. Here a list of what we would like to have:
- harvest a CKAN node
- harvest an Opendatasoft node
- harvest a uData node (dat.gouv.fr)
- harvest ESRI catalog
- be harvested by uData (hopefully by other opendata catalogs)
- friendly user DCAT editor
All of these requirements are meant to make GeoNetwork the datahub of a french region (opendata portal for geo and non geo datasets).
At this point, we don’t even know if we are going to use native API of CKAN/ ODS or the DCAT output for the hravesting.
Concerning DCAT, I know there has been a great codesprint sooner in the year to move forward with the DCAT compatibility in the DCAT2 plugin.
I also know about the https://github.com/GIM-be/dcat2 initiative.
I would like to know if anyone in this list, users, contributors or customers would like to work on those aspects with us, to see if it’s opportune to organize some meetings or code sprints.
Also anyone who feels concerned by this topic can show up to help defining what are the correct actions to lead to achieve our goal.
Note that this work is part of a bigger goal to help Geonetwork providing a better experience with open dataset (UI with dataviz tools, a data API and so on…).
Thanks a lot, looking forward to hearing from you
Have a nice day
Florent Gravin
Technical Leader - Architect
+33 4 58 48 20 36