I’m a lurker here, but can report that I’ve got some pretty good OpenLayers integration working. Everything is post-build, meaning I’ve just hacked intermap pieces, added in OpenLayers pieces (I am not a developer, I’m a librarian) in the xsl and haven’t tried to do this with a source checkout or anything. But it’s working well for both input and post-search rendering of either map services (just wms for now) or footprints (drawn dynamically based on extents reported in metadata. The code, I’m sure, would make a real developer cringe so I haven’t even begun thinking about how to get it back into the project. Nonetheless, it’s pretty much working and would be willing to at least share what we have so that somebody better-equipped could evaluate or fix it. Otherwise we’ll just keep hacking away and the stuff that works we’ll keep using.
The app I’m building hasn’t gone live yet, so I don’t have a public url to give out, but I started blogging about the work at http://geolibro.org/wp/. You can see a screencap in one of the posts, or go straight to it with http://preview.tinyurl.com/4c8yue
C.C. Miller
Assistant Professor of Library Science
Geographic Information Systems Specialist
Purdue University Libraries
2215E EAS (CIVL)
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Library (EAS)
Civil Engineering Building (CIVL)
550 Stadium Mall Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2051
On Oct 10, 2008, at 10:51 AM, Oscar Gomez wrote:
I have seen in previous messages that François managed to set up some GeoNetwork - Openlayers integration.
I have some questions:
Where could I get the code from?
Are there any additional developments?
What about planned developments in this direction for the future?
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