[GeoNetwork-devel] Permissions on metadata101/Gemini 2.3

Hi All,

I'd like to fork our Gemini 2.3 repository
https://github.com/AstunTechnology/iso19139.gemini23 to
https://github.com/metadata101 but apparently I don't have permission.
I see that a Gemini 2.3 repository was created in September last year
but it's empty- I'm not sure who created that and/or if it's supposed
to be related to the one we've been developing at Astun or not? If a
separate one is being developed by someone else it would make a lot of
sense for us to collaborate rather than work separately.

Could someone clear this up for me?



Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
Please note that currently I do not work on Friday afternoons. For
urgent responses at that time, please visit
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Yes, the original idea was that you push your repository there.

You are already part of the Gemini team. Can't you add a new remote to
your local git copy of that repo and push?

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 12:20 PM Jo Cook <jocook@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I'd like to fork our Gemini 2.3 repository
https://github.com/AstunTechnology/iso19139.gemini23 to
https://github.com/metadata101 but apparently I don't have permission.
I see that a Gemini 2.3 repository was created in September last year
but it's empty- I'm not sure who created that and/or if it's supposed
to be related to the one we've been developing at Astun or not? If a
separate one is being developed by someone else it would make a lot of
sense for us to collaborate rather than work separately.

Could someone clear this up for me?



Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
Please note that currently I do not work on Friday afternoons. For
urgent responses at that time, please visit
support.astuntechnology.com or phone our office on 01372 744009

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<https://astuntechnology.com/company/#email-updates&gt; for updates on news,
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Company registration
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GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Hi Maria,

There are separate teams for Gemini and Gemini 2.3 by the looks of
things- I onlt discovered the Gemini 2.3 team and repository today...
I've requested to join Gemini 2.3.

I can probably push to that repository but would prefer to fork the
Astun one, and also for it to be named in the same way the others are,
in other words iso19139.gemini23.


On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 11:33 AM María Arias de Reyna <delawen@anonymised.com> wrote:


Yes, the original idea was that you push your repository there.

You are already part of the Gemini team. Can't you add a new remote to
your local git copy of that repo and push?

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 12:20 PM Jo Cook <jocook@anonymised.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'd like to fork our Gemini 2.3 repository
> https://github.com/AstunTechnology/iso19139.gemini23 to
> https://github.com/metadata101 but apparently I don't have permission.
> I see that a Gemini 2.3 repository was created in September last year
> but it's empty- I'm not sure who created that and/or if it's supposed
> to be related to the one we've been developing at Astun or not? If a
> separate one is being developed by someone else it would make a lot of
> sense for us to collaborate rather than work separately.
> Could someone clear this up for me?
> Thanks
> Jo
> --
> Jo Cook
> t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
> Please note that currently I do not work on Friday afternoons. For
> urgent responses at that time, please visit
> support.astuntechnology.com or phone our office on 01372 744009
> --
> --
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> <https://astuntechnology.com/company/#email-updates&gt; for updates on news,
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> Astun Technology Ltd, The
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> 009 w: astuntechnology.com <http://astuntechnology.com/&gt; twitter:@astuntech
> <https://twitter.com/astuntech&gt;
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> Company registration
> no. 5410695. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 120 Manor
> Green Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LN VAT no. 864201149.
> _______________________________________________
> GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
> GeoNetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geonetwork-devel
> GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
Please note that currently I do not work on Friday afternoons. For
urgent responses at that time, please visit
support.astuntechnology.com or phone our office on 01372 744009

*Sign up to our mailing list
<https://astuntechnology.com/company/#email-updates&gt; for updates on news,
products, conferences, events and training*

Astun Technology Ltd, The
Coach House, 17 West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RL, UK
t:+44 1372 744
009 w: astuntechnology.com <http://astuntechnology.com/&gt; twitter:@astuntech

iShare - enterprise geographic
intelligence platform <https://astuntechnology.com/ishare/&gt;
PostGIS and QGIS training <https://astuntechnology.com/services/#training&gt;

Helpdesk and customer portal

Company registration
no. 5410695. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 120 Manor
Green Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LN VAT no. 864201149.


The Gemini 2.3 is a subset of the Gemini main team, so that wouldn’t have changed anything in privileges:


As you are a known GN contributor, I just gave you more privileges over Metadata 101 in general. I hope that’s enough.

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 12:38 PM Jo Cook <jocook@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi Maria,

There are separate teams for Gemini and Gemini 2.3 by the looks of
things- I onlt discovered the Gemini 2.3 team and repository today…
I’ve requested to join Gemini 2.3.

I can probably push to that repository but would prefer to fork the
Astun one, and also for it to be named in the same way the others are,
in other words iso19139.gemini23.


On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 11:33 AM María Arias de Reyna <delawen@anonymised.com> wrote:


Yes, the original idea was that you push your repository there.

You are already part of the Gemini team. Can’t you add a new remote to
your local git copy of that repo and push?

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 12:20 PM Jo Cook <jocook@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi All,

I’d like to fork our Gemini 2.3 repository
https://github.com/AstunTechnology/iso19139.gemini23 to
https://github.com/metadata101 but apparently I don’t have permission.
I see that a Gemini 2.3 repository was created in September last year
but it’s empty- I’m not sure who created that and/or if it’s supposed
to be related to the one we’ve been developing at Astun or not? If a
separate one is being developed by someone else it would make a lot of
sense for us to collaborate rather than work separately.

Could someone clear this up for me?



Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
Please note that currently I do not work on Friday afternoons. For
urgent responses at that time, please visit
support.astuntechnology.com or phone our office on 01372 744009

Sign up to our mailing list
<https://astuntechnology.com/company/#email-updates> for updates on news,
products, conferences, events and training


Astun Technology Ltd, The
Coach House, 17 West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RL, UK
t:+44 1372 744
009 w: astuntechnology.com <http://astuntechnology.com/> twitter:@astuntech

iShare - enterprise geographic
intelligence platform <https://astuntechnology.com/ishare/>
PostGIS and QGIS training <https://astuntechnology.com/services/#training>

Helpdesk and customer portal

Company registration
no. 5410695. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 120 Manor
Green Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LN VAT no. 864201149.

GeoNetwork-devel mailing list
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at http://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork

Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
Please note that currently I do not work on Friday afternoons. For
urgent responses at that time, please visit
support.astuntechnology.com or phone our office on 01372 744009

Sign up to our mailing list
<https://astuntechnology.com/company/#email-updates> for updates on news,
products, conferences, events and training


Astun Technology Ltd, The
Coach House, 17 West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 7RL, UK
t:+44 1372 744
009 w: astuntechnology.com <http://astuntechnology.com/> twitter:@astuntech

iShare - enterprise geographic
intelligence platform <https://astuntechnology.com/ishare/>
PostGIS and QGIS training <https://astuntechnology.com/services/#training>

Helpdesk and customer portal

Company registration
no. 5410695. Registered in England and Wales. Registered office: 120 Manor
Green Road, Epsom, Surrey, KT19 8LN VAT no. 864201149.