Dear all,
I am new in multi-modular Maven projects and need to work on the geonetwork source code. I need to do this for my master study.
I want to add one harvester for SOS 2.0 which uses not only Gecapabilities but also DescribeSensor. So, what I have done so far is, I manually imported a metadata for my SOS with getCapabilities operation and also used SensorML schema profile to include DescribSensor operation. Both worked fine.
Now I want to develop a kind of harvester which take the GetCapabilities and populate the metadata for SOS and SensorML.
To do so, I thought I should work on the source code directly. I wanted to import the downloaded Geonetwork-Core using Spring Tool Suite - Eclipse (i worked with this for another project and it was very convenient).
I followed the Geonwtrok developer manual however, the description is quite abstract for how to import it into eclipse. I am able to run “mvn clean install -DskipTests” in command line and it works. However when i import it (after and before running the mvn install) I always receive plenty of errors. My steps are:
-import an existing maven project
-select all proejcts
-import them
I have couple of questions:
- should I select all projects or only the main pom.xml in the main directory? (i believe it should be all)
- I believe that after downloading Geonetwork from Github I should be able to directly import it into eclipse and then install it withing eclipse. Am I right? If not does it mean that it is better that I install it first through command line and then import it to the eclipse? [btw for both I receive lots of errors but different types.]
- What is the best way to work with the source code?
I know these questions may seem stupid, but please be patient with me and please advice me.
Your help will be very much appreciated.
p.s. I haven’t put anything regarding errors as I feel my general approach is wrong. Just to give an idea, in web project, in the pom.xml I have this error:
web.xml is missing and is set to true. Or in web-app/target/webapp/WEB-INF/config.spring.geonetwrok.xml there are no such resource to be imported: