[GeoNetwork-devel] proposal: use planning board rather than wiki

Jeroen setup a new GeoNetwork roadmap project board that is being considered to replace the wiki proposals page.

I really like this change and would like to present it as a proposal for PSC approval:

Motion: Change to GitHub Project Board for change proposals

Going to try email voting on this one, please reply in the next two weeks days with (+1/+0/-0/-1). Holding the motion open until May 22nd.

PSC Support:

  • Jo Cook
  • Jose Garcia
  • Paul van Genuchten
  • Florent Gravin
  • Simon Pigot
  • Francois Prunayre
  • Emanuele Tajariol
  • Jeroen Ticheler

Community support:

  • Jody Garnett: +1 (initial motion)

The existing policy:

Proposals are developed on the WIKI so others can get a better understanding of what a developer wants to add to GeoNetwork opensource before it is accepted in the core. When writing a proposal, you should use the proposal-template as starting point. Add your proposal to the list below. When proposal is ready for vote, an issue should be opened and a pull request attached when available.

Replacement policy:



To test the process I made a project board item for this proposal.


Jody Garnett




Jody Garnett




Jody Garnett


This is Florent Gravin's card. Their email is florent.gravin@anonymised.com


(I did put a tick in the proposal, but that is not reflected in email I think).



ps. Emanuele is no longer part of the PSC.

Jeroen Ticheler

E-mail: jeroen.ticheler@anonymised.com


Veenderweg 13

6721 WD Bennekom

The Netherlands

Tel: +31318416664

---- Op wo, 08 mei 2024 19:10:36 +0200 schreef Jody Garnett via GeoNetwork-devel geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net ----

To test the process I made a project board item for this proposal.

Jody Garnett

On May 8, 2024 at 10:02:04 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com…31…> wrote:

Jeroen setup a new GeoNetwork roadmap project board that is being considered to replace the wiki proposals page.

I really like this change and would like to present it as a proposal for PSC approval:

Motion: Change to GitHub Project Board for change proposals

Going to try email voting on this one, please reply in the next two weeks days with (+1/+0/-0/-1). Holding the motion open until May 22nd.

PSC Support:

  • Jo Cook

  • Jose Garcia

  • Paul van Genuchten

  • Florent Gravin

  • Simon Pigot

  • Francois Prunayre

  • Emanuele Tajariol

  • Jeroen Ticheler

Community support:

  • Jody Garnett: +1 (initial motion)

The existing policy:

Proposals are developed on the WIKI so others can get a better understanding of what a developer wants to add to GeoNetwork opensource before it is accepted in the core. When writing a proposal, you should use the proposal-template as starting point. Add your proposal to the list below. When proposal is ready for vote, an issue should be opened and a pull request attached when available.

Replacement policy:

Proposals offer public review of changes GeoNetwork opensource policy or core codebase. Proposals are developed on the GeoNetwork roadmap project board as a draft item. When approved by the PSC the item is turned into an issue (and a pull request attached when available).


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Jody Garnett


This is Florent Gravin's card. Their email is florent.gravin@anonymised.com

Jo Cook
Data Discovery Lead, Astun Technology
t:+44 7930 524 155 | twitter:@archaeogeek | mastodon:@archaeogeek@anonymised.com.
Please note that currently I do not work on Friday afternoons. For urgent responses at that time, please visit support.astuntechnology.com or phone our office on 01372 744009

I believe this proposal has collected sufficient response to pass: 50%

  • Jo Cook +1

  • Jose Garcia

  • Paul van Genuchten

  • Florent Gravin +1 (voted on the board)

  • Simon Pigot

  • Francois Prunayre +1

  • Emanuele Tajariol

  • Jeroen Ticheler +1

Community support:

  • Jody Garnett: +1 (initial motion)

I am not totally familiar with the geonetwork change process. GeoServer went down to 30% response rate (with no negative responses). GeoTools requires 50% etc…


Jody Garnett


I have updated the wiki and associated issues, this activity is now complete.


Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett
