Hi list,
as already mentioned in a previous thread we're dealing with RNDT, an Italian
profile of ISO19139, and we have created a schema plugin for it here:
This profile puts some restrictions on the metadata fileIdentifier syntax and
some other internal ids.
Going into details, the fileIdentifier should be built using a fixed code
assigned to the source governative organization that creates the metadata, and
a dynamic part; the profile reccommends to use a timestamp for the dynamic
part, but it's not mandatory.
The solution implemented in the published schema plugin solves the issue of
creating the metadata ids using the update-fixed-info.xsl file, and setting as
true the readwriteUuid property of the schema.
The fixed code is stored as the geonetwork site uuid (that fits nicely in there,
and it's available in the various xsl transformation inside GN) and the UUID
generated by GN is used as the dynamic part.
So far, so good.
First question is: did you find any profile requiring particular constraints
such this in the creation of the UUIDs? How did you solve the problem?
I remember Francois had to do with a profile that needed to deal with the
resource identifier and the catalog URL
Now we are trying to allow the creation of RNDT metadata for different
organizations inside a single GeoNetwork instance.
Note that the existing implementation, by storing the fixed prefix as the GN
site ID, only allows to create/edit metadata related to a single organization.
Allowing a multi-organization instance requires that a list of such fixed codes
should be stored somewhere else, and possibily externalized in some way.
The schema plugin architecture at the moment does not provide similar
Any work in progress, or plan, about improvements in schema plugin in this
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