[GeoNetwork-devel] Some problem to visualize metadat batch loaded

the trunk version of GN (r7760)

I try to load some batch metadata created in another different system than GeoNetwork.

This metadatas was created using the parent - child paradigm,
they use a special value as FileIdentifier that is surely unique, but is not a formally good UUID type.

for example they identifiers are


and for child metadata:


When I try to load they in the system GN.
The system load without give me any error.
The load seem all ok. The metadata are readable.

But when try to showing they. The little panel on the Right side that should be show the relation parent/child is not showing the titles !
Leave they "empty". :frowning:
The links are perfectly working, only the titles are not readable.

After some tests I found the problem is that the FileIdentifier of these metadatas is not a good UUID identifcator.

I'm not sure , but I guess this is a bug of GN.

I attach two metadata to example.


Andrea Peri.


test-childs.zip (7.67 KB)