[GeoNetwork-devel] WARNING Force push in master. Please resync your master branch


related to the email “Warning, 2 commits invalidated master branch” [1] I’ve run a git force push on master to remove the two wrong commits on that branch:

git push origin +7771e81:master
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) To https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork.git + b3a497ce0a…7771e81747 7771e81 → master (forced update)

If you have a local copy of the repo or a fork in Github and your master branch still contains these two commits, please discard the local or forked branch and retrieve it again from the central repository:

  • b3a497ce0ae4e4c2838a011a5a109804d63bdec6
  • 9acccadafd03b3221512e903399ec470b4ff6b06

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/geonetwork/mailman/message/36630416/


Vriendelijke groeten / Kind regards,

Juan Luis Rodríguez.

Veenderweg 13
6721 WD Bennekom
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)318 416664

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