Geonetwork : Make the entry of values mandatory?

We have a data catalog based on Geonetwork. Due to their optional entry, we suspect that some fields (e.g. theme, geography) of some records have no value entered. In order to overcome this problem for future records (which directly impacts the result/reliability of the metadata search), is it possible to make the entry of certain fields mandatory? While keeping the record model that we currently use (which is for information: the ISO standard Geographic information – Metadata (iso19115-3.2018)).

Hi, the main option is to add new validation rule that will appear in the editor validation panel (Validating records - GeoNetwork opensource). You can find example of validation rules in core-geonetwork/schemas/iso19115-3.2018/src/main/plugin/iso19115-3.2018/schematron at main · geonetwork/core-geonetwork · GitHub.

Another option, would be to update the XSD and change element cardinality but this is not recommended.

The third option to get a visual indicator in the editor is to use condition flag in translation files eg. core-geonetwork/schemas/iso19115-3.2018/src/main/plugin/iso19115-3.2018/loc/eng/labels.xml at main · geonetwork/core-geonetwork · GitHub