[GeoNetwork-users] Create OWS context out of GetRecords?


In Community Mapbuilder [1] we have built a catalog search widget. It
allows you to search a catalog, convert the output to an OWSContext and
present the results as layers that one can dynamically add to one's map.

We would love to add GeoNetwork to the list of catalogs that we can
query (we have Cubewerx' using ebRim), but there is a small challenge:
the output of GetRecords does not provide the distribution info we need:
the service type and the url to that service (like WMS, WFS) (and layer

What is necessary to give GeoNetwork the capability to provide this
information (in 1 request)?

2 suggestions from our side:
1) Add the info to the output of GetRecords
2) Implement ebRim in GeoNetwork

LISAsoft would like to contribute to GeoNetwork by implementing this and
hope to get advice on how to do this.

ad 1) does this fit withing the CSW standard, if so, how would the data
be represented?

ad 2) stylesheets do exist already to convert a GetRecords output of a
CSW to ebRim (by requesting a DescribeRecord for each record found).
Maybe it is not too hard to merge this into GeoNetwork?

Any help is appreciated.



[1] http://communitymapbuilder.org/
Roald de Wit
Software Engineer

Commercial Support for Open Source GIS Software