[GeoNetwork-users] GeoNetwork 3.12.12, 4.2.9 and 4.4.3 released

Dear all,

We're proud to announce the releases of GeoNetwork opensource v3.12.12, v4.2.9 and v4.4.3 (https://geonetwork-opensource.org/news.html).

GeoNetwork 3.12 has reached end of life, we encourage users to upgrade to GeoNetwork 4.2 / 4.4.

You can find the software v3.12.12 at https://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork/files/GeoNetwork_opensource/v3.12.12/, v4.2.9 at https://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork/files/GeoNetwork_opensource/v4.2.9/ and v4.4.3 at https://sourceforge.net/projects/geonetwork/files/GeoNetwork_opensource/v4.4.3/

You can find a list of new functionalities and fixes in v3.12.12 at https://docs.geonetwork-opensource.org/4.4/overview/change-log/version-3.12.12/, in v4.2.9 at https://docs.geonetwork-opensource.org/4.4/overview/change-log/version-4.2.9/ and in v4.4.3 at https://docs.geonetwork-opensource.org/4.4/overview/change-log/version-4.4.3/

If you have any improvements you want to contribute back, the best is to use git to get a local copy of the source code, apply the fix and put out a Pull request so your improvements can be integrated quickly. Otherwise you can also create new Tickets in the issue tracker: https://github.com/geonetwork/core-geonetwork/issues

Thanks and congratulations to all the community members and developers that have been putting effort and energy in these releases and the documentation update https://docs.geonetwork-opensource.org/

Francois Prunayre and Jose García

PSC Members


Jose Garcia

E-mail: jose.garcia@anonymised.com


Veenderweg 13

6721 WD Bennekom

The Netherlands

Tel: +31318416664


Thanks team for making this release available - it is good to see everyone
working together :slight_smile:
Jody Garnett

On Mar 14, 2024 at 5:21:16 AM, Jose Garcia via GeoNetwork-devel <
geonetwork-devel@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

Dear all,

We're proud to announce the releases of GeoNetwork opensource v3.12.12,
v4.2.9 and v4.4.3 (News — GeoNetwork opensource).

GeoNetwork 3.12 has reached end of life, we encourage users to upgrade to
GeoNetwork 4.2 / 4.4.

You can find the software v3.12.12 at
GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog - Browse /GeoNetwork_opensource/v3.12.12 at SourceForge.net,
v4.2.9 at
GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog - Browse /GeoNetwork_opensource/v4.2.9 at SourceForge.net
and v4.4.3 at
GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog - Browse /GeoNetwork_opensource/v4.4.3 at SourceForge.net

You can find a list of new functionalities and fixes in v3.12.12 at
Version 3.12.12 - GeoNetwork opensource, in
v4.2.9 at
Version 4.2.9 - GeoNetwork opensource
and in v4.4.3 at
Version 4.4.3 - GeoNetwork opensource

If you have any improvements you want to contribute back, the best is to
use git to get a local copy of the source code, apply the fix and put out a
Pull request so your improvements can be integrated quickly. Otherwise you
can also create new Tickets in the issue tracker:
Issues · geonetwork/core-geonetwork · GitHub

Thanks and congratulations to all the community members and developers
that have been putting effort and energy in these releases and the
documentation update https://docs.geonetwork-opensource.org/

Francois Prunayre and Jose García
PSC Members

Jose Garcia
E-mail: jose.garcia@anonymised.com
Veenderweg 13
6721 WD Bennekom
The Netherlands
Tel: +31318416664

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GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at
GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog download | SourceForge.net