[GeoNetwork-users] Geonetwork "add to map" WFS settings

Dear community,

I have had an issue with the display of WFS layers on the Geonetwork map viewer for some times now. I must have wrongly configured my geonetwork (or geoserver?) but I can't find the solution.

I use Geonetwork 4.0.6 and geoserver 2.22.1

Here is an example of a dataset:


I can show the layer with the "add to map" button with the WMS service but not with the WFS.

The error message I have is: "The service does not provide the layer in the map projection". I think it might be a misleading error message as the WFS GetFeature request ask for EPSG 3857, which is defined in the geonetwork list of map projection although the native SRS is 3035.


I noticed two weird settings in this request:

 \- the version is undefined\.

 \- the bbox filter is not working\. To have an answer I have to remove it\.

Here is an example of a working request (I removed the bbox and added the version):


Also, I noticed that the different version have different behaviour.

Version 1.1.0 -> display GML description of the layer in the browser.

Version 2.0.0 -> Download the layer in GML

I just want to be able to visualize the layer on the map! Do you know how I can solve it? My users always ask why the "add to map" button is not working, which is embarrassing...

Many Thanks!

*Nicolas de Ville de Goyet*
Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC)

*Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS)*
Operational Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature)

The Biodiversity and Ecosystems Data and Information Centre (BEDIC)

Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Email: ndeville@anonymised.com

Website: https://www.naturalsciences.be; https://www.bmdc.be