[GeoNetwork-users] GeoNetwork-UI 2.3.0 released

Dear community,

We are proud to announce that a new version for GeoNetwork-UI was released
last friday: v2.3.0

*GeoNetwork-UI <https://github.com/geonetwork/geonetwork-ui&gt; is an umbrella
project for multiple GeoNetwork frontend applications: Datahub, Metadata
Editor, Map Viewer... It also exports many of its functionalities as Web
Components for easy integration in third party websites.*
*:books: See How to run the Datahub
more information*

This release brings many new features including:

   - Datahub: Add comments and discussions module to record page by
   @rcaplier <https://github.com/rcaplier&gt; in #849
   - Datahub: Handle OGC API in Downloads and Preview sections by @cmoinier
   <https://github.com/cmoinier&gt; in #865
   - Datahub: Add a list layout to Other links section when many links are
   present by @rcaplier <https://github.com/rcaplier&gt; and@anonymised.com
   <https://github.com/jahow&gt; in #873
   - Datahub: allow building custom download URLs for WFS services by
   @ronitjadhav <https://github.com/ronitjadhav&gt; in #875
   - Map Viewer: Add support from OGC API service by @ronitjadhav
   <https://github.com/ronitjadhav&gt; in #848
   - Map Viewer: Added support for OGC API Tiles by @ronitjadhav
   <https://github.com/ronitjadhav&gt; in #871
   - Continuing work on the Metadata Editor app:
      - Implement iso19115-3 converter by @jahow <https://github.com/jahow&gt;
       in #843 <https://github.com/geonetwork/geonetwork-ui/pull/843&gt;
      - Add image input component by @LHBruneton-C2C
      <https://github.com/LHBruneton-C2C&gt; in #812
      - Implement notifications when saving a record by @jahow
      <https://github.com/jahow&gt; in #855
      - Title field by @Angi-Kinas <https://github.com/Angi-Kinas&gt; in #853
      - License field by @LHBruneton-C2C <https://github.com/LHBruneton-C2C&gt;
       in #860 <https://github.com/geonetwork/geonetwork-ui/pull/860&gt;
      - Resource updated field by @LHBruneton-C2C
      <https://github.com/LHBruneton-C2C&gt; in #866

List of all features, fix and improvements for v2.3.0

Please note that all contributions are welcome! Use the issue tracker
<https://github.com/geonetwork/geonetwork-ui/issues&gt; for reporting problems
or suggesting proposals, and refer to the contributing guide
<https://github.com/geonetwork/geonetwork-ui/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md&gt; when
opening Pull Requests.

Many thanks to everyone that contributed to this release, and all the
sponsors that made this possible :tada:

Olivia, GeoNetwork community member

*Olivia Guyot*
Geospatial Developer
+49 89 2620 89 924

Congratulations :slight_smile:
Jody Garnett

On Jun 10, 2024 at 12:44:25 AM, Olivia Guyot via GeoNetwork-users <
geonetwork-users@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:

Dear community,

We are proud to announce that a new version for GeoNetwork-UI was released
last friday: v2.3.0

*GeoNetwork-UI <https://github.com/geonetwork/geonetwork-ui&gt; is an
project for multiple GeoNetwork frontend applications: Datahub, Metadata
Editor, Map Viewer... It also exports many of its functionalities as Web
Components for easy integration in third party websites.*
*:books: See How to run the Datahub
geonetwork-ui/apps/datahub/README.md at v2.0.1 · geonetwork/geonetwork-ui · GitHub
more information*

This release brings many new features including:

  - Datahub: Add comments and discussions module to record page by
  @rcaplier <https://github.com/rcaplier&gt; in #849
  - Datahub: Handle OGC API in Downloads and Preview sections by @cmoinier
  <https://github.com/cmoinier&gt; in #865
  - Datahub: Add a list layout to Other links section when many links are
  present by @rcaplier <https://github.com/rcaplier&gt; and@anonymised.com
  <https://github.com/jahow&gt; in #873
  - Datahub: allow building custom download URLs for WFS services by
  @ronitjadhav <https://github.com/ronitjadhav&gt; in #875
  - Map Viewer: Add support from OGC API service by @ronitjadhav
  <https://github.com/ronitjadhav&gt; in #848
  - Map Viewer: Added support for OGC API Tiles by @ronitjadhav
  <https://github.com/ronitjadhav&gt; in #871
  - Continuing work on the Metadata Editor app:
     - Implement iso19115-3 converter by @jahow <https://github.com/jahow&gt;
      in #843 <https://github.com/geonetwork/geonetwork-ui/pull/843&gt;
     - Add image input component by @LHBruneton-C2C
     <https://github.com/LHBruneton-C2C&gt; in #812
     - Implement notifications when saving a record by @jahow
     <https://github.com/jahow&gt; in #855
     - Title field by @Angi-Kinas <https://github.com/Angi-Kinas&gt; in #853
     - License field by @LHBruneton-C2C <LHBruneton-C2C (Laure-Hélène Bruneton) · GitHub
      in #860 <https://github.com/geonetwork/geonetwork-ui/pull/860&gt;
     - Resource updated field by @LHBruneton-C2C
     <https://github.com/LHBruneton-C2C&gt; in #866

List of all features, fix and improvements for v2.3.0

Please note that all contributions are welcome! Use the issue tracker
<https://github.com/geonetwork/geonetwork-ui/issues&gt; for reporting
or suggesting proposals, and refer to the contributing guide
opening Pull Requests.

Many thanks to everyone that contributed to this release, and all the
sponsors that made this possible :tada:

Olivia, GeoNetwork community member

*Olivia Guyot*
Geospatial Developer
+49 89 2620 89 924

GeoNetwork-users mailing list
geonetwork-users List Signup and Options
GeoNetwork OpenSource is maintained at
GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog download | SourceForge.net

Nicely done! Congrats to everyone on the hard work.
I can’t wait to have some time to look at this again, sounds like a lot of progress has been made since I last looked at it :white_heart:



Elena Robu
Metadata Consultant

e: elenarobu@anonymised.com

m: +44 7716 075 597

Astun Technology – Experts in Place


Olivia Guyot

Geospatial Developer

+49 89 2620 89 924