[GeoNetwork-users] GN 4.4.2 [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task

Hi together,

I'm trying out GN 4.4.2 for use

As I saw in geonetwork.log, debug mode, the indexing task is working every 30 seconds all the time:

2024-02-14T13:12:30,004 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:12:30 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...
2024-02-14T13:13:00,010 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:13:00 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...
2024-02-14T13:13:30,005 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:13:30 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...
2024-02-14T13:14:00,006 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:14:00 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...
2024-02-14T13:14:30,010 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:14:30 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...
2024-02-14T13:15:00,013 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:15:00 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...
2024-02-14T13:15:30,008 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:15:30 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...
2024-02-14T13:16:00,010 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:16:00 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...
2024-02-14T13:16:30,007 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:16:30 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...
2024-02-14T13:17:00,003 DEBUG [geonetwork.index] - Indexing task / Start at: Wed Feb 14 13:17:00 CET 2024. Checking if any records need to be indexed ...

I don't know that from GN 3.x.

is that necessary?

It is possible to change the indexing interval somewhere?

I haven't found anything about it anywhere.

Using GN 4.4.2 with ES v 7.17.16 and Tomcat 9.0.85. H2 Database.

OS Win Server 2019 and Java 11

Best regards/
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Im Auftrag
Robert Kulawik
GA 5372

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