Hi list, Just a quick how-to install multiple nodes on the same jetty & mckoi install.
#1.Make as many installation as you need (you can use Desktop or server installer). Make sure to set up all nodes with different node name. Install in different directory (eg. /usr/geonetwork, /usr/geonetwork1, /usr/geonetwork2)
#2.Check that all nodes are working one after the other.
#3.Shutdown all nodes
#4.Select one node where you want to install all instance (eg. /usr/geonetwork)
#5.Copy all web directory to the main node (eg. copy /usr/geonetwork2/web in /usr/geonetwork/web2, etc.)
#6.Set up jetty to start all web application. Edit /usr/geonetwork/bin/config.xml and add as many nodes as you need
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