[GeoNetwork-users] Problem updating from GN4.0.6 to GN4.2.2

We are trying to avoid a full metadata dump and reload.

We have a RHEL8 VM with an Apache Reverse Proxy ahead of a Jetty webserver hosting GN4.0.6, GS and ERDDAP.We also have a PostGIS database, and a remote gn_dir.Startup and linkages are by a Jetty daemon.Everything seemed to be working for more than a year.

To upgrade to GN4.2.2, as usual we downloaded the war, unzipped it, and made changes to three files: config-node/srv.xml to point exclusively at config-db/jndi.xml, jetty-environment.xml to contain the database credentials (name, port, user, pw, and gnDatabaseDialect [to POSTGRESQL]) and config-db/jndi.xml to contain the usual PostGIS parameters.On some attempts we also set the jdbc.properties to the same, but usually just kept the defaults.

Upon reboot with the modified GN, the database got migrated to 4.2.2, with two we think insignificant errors from v407 migration:

gndb422=# UPDATE Settings SET editable = 'n' WHERE name = 'system/userFeedback/lastNotificationDate';
ERROR: column "editable" of relation "settings" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE Settings SET editable = 'n' WHERE name = 'system/user...
gndb422=# UPDATE Settings SET editable = 'n' WHERE name = 'system/security/passwordEnforcement/pattern';
ERROR: column "editable" of relation "settings" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE Settings SET editable = 'n' WHERE name = 'system/secu...

We got the title on the GN splash screen from the settings, but otherwise blank screen.We noticed the log had many h2 errors regarding the gn-wro4j disk-cache, and related h2 errors, but also said that geonetwork was available.Stopped jetty, deleted the wro4j-cache.mv.db in remote gn_dir folder, because we knew it would get rebuilt on restart.

Rebooted computer and thus jetty, and no "gn-wro4j disk-cache" errors. Got the same header and blank screen.However, appending “?debug” allowed login and we could then see the data.Cleared the “JS & CSS cache” and rebooted.Things looked okay.Tried reindexing and got a 502 Proxy Error.Metadata could no longer be seen.

Any thoughts about next step, and/or what we are doing wrong?


Pacific Salmon Foundation

Hi Terry,

I would
* check the following in the settings table
UPDATE Settings SET editable = 'y' WHERE editable IS NULL;
to be sure that the value is properly set and there is no null (which
should not be possible).

* About H2, check

* Any errors in the logs ?


Le mer. 3 mai 2023 à 05:37, Terry via GeoNetwork-users <
geonetwork-users@lists.sourceforge.net> a écrit :

We are trying to avoid a full metadata dump and reload.

We have a RHEL8 VM with an Apache Reverse Proxy ahead of a Jetty
webserver hosting GN4.0.6, GS and ERDDAP.We also have a PostGIS
database, and a remote gn_dir.Startup and linkages are by a Jetty
daemon.Everything seemed to be working for more than a year.

To upgrade to GN4.2.2, as usual we downloaded the war, unzipped it, and
made changes to three files: config-node/srv.xml to point exclusively at
config-db/jndi.xml, jetty-environment.xml to contain the database
credentials (name, port, user, pw, and gnDatabaseDialect [to
POSTGRESQL]) and config-db/jndi.xml to contain the usual PostGIS
parameters.On some attempts we also set the jdbc.properties to the same,
but usually just kept the defaults.

Upon reboot with the modified GN, the database got migrated to 4.2.2,
with two we think insignificant errors from v407 migration:

gndb422=# UPDATE Settings SET editable = 'n' WHERE name =
ERROR: column "editable" of relation "settings" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE Settings SET editable = 'n' WHERE name = 'system/user...
gndb422=# UPDATE Settings SET editable = 'n' WHERE name =
ERROR: column "editable" of relation "settings" does not exist
LINE 1: UPDATE Settings SET editable = 'n' WHERE name = 'system/secu...

We got the title on the GN splash screen from the settings, but
otherwise blank screen.We noticed the log had many h2 errors regarding
the gn-wro4j disk-cache, and related h2 errors, but also said that
geonetwork was available.Stopped jetty, deleted the wro4j-cache.mv.db in
remote gn_dir folder, because we knew it would get rebuilt on restart.

Rebooted computer and thus jetty, and no "gn-wro4j disk-cache" errors.
Got the same header and blank screen.However, appending “?debug” allowed
login and we could then see the data.Cleared the “JS & CSS cache” and
rebooted.Things looked okay.Tried reindexing and got a 502 Proxy
Error.Metadata could no longer be seen.

Any thoughts about next step, and/or what we are doing wrong?


Pacific Salmon Foundation

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