Hi, I have a problem with GML2-GZIP output.
When i call GetFeature with GML2-GZIP outputFormat by GET Method. it
runs well. but when I call by POST Method it returns a corrupted Gzip
I know Get&Post on GetFeature get results from FeatureReponse.. Is
the problem here is the transfer data by POST method...
Could you give an advise to solve the problem..
Hi, I have a problem with GML2-GZIP output.
When i call GetFeature with GML2-GZIP outputFormat by GET Method. it
runs well. but when I call by POST Method it returns a corrupted Gzip
I know Get&Post on GetFeature get results from FeatureReponse.. Is
the problem here is the transfer data by POST method...
Could you give an advise to solve the problem..
Hmmm... I really don't understand this, since get and post really should
handle things in exactly the same way, and digging into the code I
couldn't find a difference. What are you using to test post? If you're
just using the GeoServer TestWfsPost then it _could_ be a problem with
that. But if you submit this as a bug to our JIRA task tracker
(http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/BrowseProject.jspa?id=10311) we'll do our
best to fix it. I looked into it for about 15 minutes this morning,
hoping it would be an easy fix, but wasn't able to figure it out. Any
idea Gabriel?