Can someone explain to me how I can get my new service (a seperate module) to be deployed with geoserver, without changing any of geoservers poms. Do I have to create a new War that will just include my new jar? If so, can someone explain how I can do this with my pom.xml for my new module?
Can someone explain to me how I can get my new service (a seperate module) to be deployed with geoserver, without changing any of geoservers poms. Do I have to create a new War that will just include my new jar? If so, can someone explain how I can do this with my pom.xml for my new module?
We need a new module that generates a new war for your application. Your application will include your own module, as well as any required geoserver modules.
There are two alternatives, isolate the "war stuff" in a parent pom used by both geoserver and your own application, or we make a custom parent pom explicilt to
help people create their own geoserver based wars.
Lets pretend GeoServer 1.4.M1 looks like this:
- /pom.xml -- used for geoserver modules
- /platform/pom.xml -- module system used to tie geoserver together (LGPL)
- /main/pom.xml -- normal geoserver module, containing OWS abstractions for dispatch
- /wms/pom.xml -- wms module, depends on main and adds support for SERVICE=WMS
- /wfs/pom.xml -- wms module, depends on main and adds support for SERVICE=WFS
- /web/pom.xml -- packages up the geoserver application consiting of platform, main, wms, wfs
In the future WCS will be added like (but would not be included in geoserver until QA review):
- /wcs/pom.xml -- wcs module, depends on main and adds support for SERVICE=WCS
As for community ....
For modules this can look like:
- /community/pom.xml <-- parent pom used for modules, depends on geoserver platform
- /community/hello <-- example hello world module (uses community/pom.xml for parent)
For community applications this can look like:
- /community/app/pom.xml <-- parent pom used for applications
- /community/helloapp/pom.xml <-- application that includes hello module, and geoserver main
The first two community modules are going to look something like:
- /community/issues/pom.xml <-- backend for uDig issues list
- /community/config/pom.xml <-- backend for store configurations, to be used by geoserver modules
This is most of what I remember from a meeting with Justin on wednesday.