Mike Pumphrey ha scritto:
Hello. Current CITE test results on version 1.7.x (what will become 1.7.0-beta2) are as follows:
WFS 1.1 - Session s0064
Failed: Issues with GetFeature (GET and POST)
Hum, this one is nasty. There are two versions of the wfs 1.1 test suite, the current one you're using, and the new one that was developed along with ows5 that was meant to expand and fix the current one.
1.7.0-beta2 passes the whole test on the new one, but does not on the old one.
It all boils down to the usage of urn notation for epsg codes, the old
test expects urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.11.2:4326 and we output
urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326 instead.
I've tried to change the code to please the old test suite, but as soon as I do, there is one test in the new one that seems to be hard-coded to
expect urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326, and it fails.
I opened two jira issues about this, one for the fix that allows the official test suite to pass, and another to fix the problem in the new,
non official one:
For the moment I haven't fixed either of them, we need to find the
best course of action with a little discussion. Not very problematic
for a beta, we don't need to pass all the tests anyways and the existing failures are rather trivial.
WFS 1.0 - Session s0065
Failed: Issues with Basic/GetFeature/ComplexValues
This one is a mis-configuration of the test. We don't support complex features, but the test has been configured to test them too.
I've run the test without enabling complex features and it passed.
WMS 1.1 - Session s0066
WCS 1.0 - Session 0100 (old site)
Failed 22/97 (hard to categorize the issues here)
Mumble, it's probably the first time we run this test with 1.7.x.
Some tests are failing because the engine does not specify a version,
and expects us to react with an exception, and we do, but only after
getting detoured into the wcs 1.1.1 code (highest version is the default
one) meaning we throw the wrong kind of exception... sigh:
All the issues we have a relatively minor, so I guess we can go on and release beta2, and we'll then fix everything by rc1.