Hey all,
I was working on enabling a community schemas community module on my box.
Before commiting I would like to comment on what I get up to, and ask for
opinions, feedback, alternatives.
First off, the need:
I need to serve up ISO Features through WFS.. The ISO Feature model is
unrelated to the geotools one until they're merged, not in this geotools
On the last IRC meeting, Andrea commented about the possibility of extending
the wfs module instead of forking, and exposing the extended service as
another URL. I honestly didn't got a good undersanding on how to do that, and
since I'm in a bit of hurry I decided to fork, so I can just modify whatever
I need.
By the other hand, I need to package up the needed modules, like with a maven
profile. First I thought one could define a profile to include a submodule,
as to include platform,main,data,web and community/wfs-c. This seems not
possible though, and found I can't include web if I want to exclude wfs, wms,
and wcs, since it depends on them. I also guess I cannot (by policy) define
another pom module at the same level than community, so it is ok if I can
just include my module on community.
So I got to the following layout:
where web-c is my own web module with the desired dependencies, so no need to
include wms,wfs,wcs. And when building the community profile one gets the
community-schemas enabled war in web-c's target.
Does it seems ok? anyone can think on a better alternative?
feedbak highly appreciated.