After running the eclipseAll, I found in the community folder that no .classpath or .project files where generated.
I tried running a maven build and got an error "Parent POM not found:" so I open one of the community project.xml files and found this is where the parent was being extended from.
I changed it to
And it worked.
I think I could do this, not sure what my status is these days.
Wonder if we should set up a projct.xml at the community level that can include one level up? I suspect that such a file exists and was just not committed or something?
After running the eclipseAll, I found in the community folder that no .classpath or .project files where generated.
I tried running a maven build and got an error "Parent POM not found:" so I open one of the community project.xml files and found this is where the parent was being extended from.
I changed it to
And it worked.
Could this be committed into SVN
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This changed has to be applied to all the community projects.
Clint Lewis wrote:
After running the eclipseAll, I found in the community folder that no .classpath or .project files where generated.
I tried running a maven build and got an error "Parent POM not found:" so I open one of the community project.xml files and found this is where the parent was being extended from.
I changed it to
And it worked.