Hi all,
at the moment the development of the Geoserver WCS is a little slow
because the implementation of new features needs heavly some Geotools
So if you agree in the meantime I can help on Geotools development.
Speaking with Simone, he actually is finishing the gtopo30 porting
that will be committed very soon with GRIB package too, and then he is
intrested in the porting of the Geotiff package.
So my intentions are to develop the Geotiff writer while Simone is
working on gtopo.
Another point. For WCS I would like very much RasterSymbolizer support
for the Renderer, so, again, if you agree I can work an a small branch
over the LiteRenderer + RasterSymbolizer, unless this task is already
assigned to someone or another Renderer is under development right
Finishing ... do you know the state of Non-Affine Transforms?
Thank you very much for all your great work and support.