GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2012-06-25
Andrea Aime
Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jody Garnett
Justin Deoliveira
- The Release
* Documentation and credentials
- Github Proposal
- Branching off trunk
- Eclipse Location Working Group
- Timed Release
- PSC refresh?
1. Releasing
- snapshots in the release
- Charts was tagged by Justin, GWC is tagged to a RC
Late to the party:
- security stuff
- geotools API deprecation run
- function name fix
- feature grid from mbedward was mentioned
- everything else wait for drop release
- Victor - request despot access on xircles (to get jira admin) - DONE (added by Andrea)
- Victor - take documentation and simplify (preflight, hudson, etc...). Port to GeoTools.
- Clean this up (Victor):
- Update the following:
(Andrea to detail how to make a despot.)
Notes for release docs:
* Note geotools holds the release anouncement until manual checks passed (test of project source download, downstream projects give the all clear)
Combined release:
* Manual test against nightly that passes cite tests. Work back from revisions reported from the CITE tests logs.
Write down the steps to get someone SF file manager access and Jira admin access (as a reference for the future)
2. Github
* Need a proposal for GeoServer to transition to GitHub (AA)
* needs careful handover (turning off svn, and then turn on github access)
* change docs to master (not trunk)
- JD: request for organization account is pending
- review porposal (AA, )
- JD: Add task for justin to update care and feeding instructions
- Try for the whole history? Some how have the whole history available for download.
- Current get clones have a couple years history (back to start of 2011)
- Idea: Copy over 2.6.x, 2.5.x, 2.4.x and commit? Keep svn for now; consider grabbing into seperate read-only repository if OSGeo wants to shut it down.
- We will grab old release into github on request.
3. Branching trunk (master)
* AA would like to make trunk branch now, as we have no place for new unstable development.
- Action: Ask on the email list? (already done) and wait for support
- branch in svn
- set up hudson build box (with target)
- downstream clones require "git svn fetch" and set up a new tracking branch
- or wait for GitHub and to the new "master" over there
RESOLVED: branch off if we don't hear back from GitHub by the end of the week
4. Eclipse Location Working Group
- GeoTools / JTS / GEOS has special get out of jail free card (LGPL exception)
5. Timed Release
Can we go?
- Waiting on automated scripts?
- Yes, go!
Action items:
- update the geoserver guide
- update the geotools guide
6. PSC refresh
Inactive committee members, where are you?
Check who's inactive, contact and verify
Next meeting
Monday 9 July 2012
Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre