Torben Barsballe
Ian Turton
Kevin Smith
Jody Garnett
Actions from Last Meeting- Torben: Disable colored output in Maven [Fixed]
Agenda- Release Update
Build Server
Private repo for config
Oracle DB
FOSS4G Workshops / Presentations
AGM GeoTools Update
AGM GeoServer Update
Actions- Jody: Draft AGM Update for GeoTools & GeoServer. Ian/Torben to review
Release Update
Release scripts fun and games
scripts were confused on building compiling / deploying community
Script python only restored on 2.15 and master, but not on 2.14.x …
2.14.x nightly was depending on snapshots that were no longer around etc…
Depending on gs-monitoring-hibernate extension (was moved to community)
SKIP_COMMUINITY parameter added
job artifacts: manual.pdf ← this renamed for upload? Please check …
- Ian is proceeding with release, blog post review requested
We think that the release process is “back to normal” …
Build Server
Colored output is now disabled… yay!
- GeoFence may still be having trouble
Q: Where are MAVEN_OPTS defined?
In Jenkins global configuration, configure environment variables
(Please check use in release scripts)
Private repo for config - gitlab has free private repos?
talked to SImone about using a private repo
wait to hear back
Backup plan - use OSGeo GitLab (downside needs OSGeo userid)
Oracle DB online tests:
Limited success using a Docker file to hold oracle database for testing
Oracle Docker needs an oracle account, to agree to license agreement
2GB download, system resources, etc…
May be cheaper/easier use AWS image
still in progress
Windows installers:
No update on this … databases a higher priority
How to move this? Need a windows jenkins
FOSS4G Workshops / Presentations
Becoming a Documentation Contributor
GeoServer Developers Workshop
Breakout meeting? Send invite Friday
State of GeoServer 2.16 started
review PSC, committer, community module changes
GeoServer Feature Frenzy
There is a 2 hour slot wednesday evening:
- Yeah why not …
AGM GeoTools Update
We need an update for GeoTools
Jody will do a draft
Ian will review
AGM GeoServer Update
We need an update for GeoServer
Jody will do a draft
Torben will review
Jody has been trying to use it … axis order hell
Online tests do not work…
Some problems are wfs-ng not working (WFS 2.0 GetFeature not parsing)
Some problems may be GeoServer being inconsistent across different WFS versions and about put formats
Q: What is the data order?
- x/y according to ogrinfo
Q: Do I have enough information for a GeoServer bug report?
- “yes”
GSIP 176 - Cite Automation RFP
Ian +1
Other PMC Members - Please vote
Want to announce at foss4g….