Torben Barsballe
Kevin Smith
Andrea Aime
Alessandro Parma
Jukka Rahkonen
Jan Boonen
Josh Fix
Actions from last meeting- [DONE] Jody: Draft AGM Update for GeoTools & GeoServer. Ian/Torben to review
- 2.15.3 Release in limbo → AA will do it after 2.16.0 - Thanks!
Agenda1. PSC Update
GeoServer Docker Images
GeoTools COG Datastore
2.16.0 Release
GSIP-176 Cite Test Activity
Actions- (done) agm-meeting slides for geotools and geoserver
PSC Update
Brad has stepped, thanks for your service.
Discussion on PSC representation:
Desire for more user representation, do not see any active users to nominate
Nuno is an active developer
discussion of balance, with so many GeoSolutions active we can get a lot of +0/-0 in case a proposal is coming from GeoSolutions itself
GeoServer Docker Container
Some requests last year, follow up to foss4g discussion:
Request on geoserver devel about this earlier in 2019
Kartoza docker image very popular and is often the key way developers access
List of images:
vector tiles, control-flow, monitoring, …
vector tiles, csw, control flow, jpegturbo, jdbcconfig, gdal, excel, charts
monitor, status monitoring, control flow, jpegTurbo, …
Q: Discussion on how to handle extensions:
Option: environment variables to control installing of extension
see example to download at build time
discussion: could download build time, and install at run time
Option: tagged builds with different profiles
consider minimal, …
Q: Data directory - how to handle?
Use of default or minimal default
JDBCConfig + JDBCStore (this is very much a community module) → Jan is thinking to start working on these modules
Option: transient inside container
Option: externalize file system, data directory, tilecache etc…
Q: Scope
Developer plaything for testing? Like windows installer (that is still often used for production…)
Production image? Seems the case from control-flow, monitoring, …
Aside: discussion on control-flow configuration settings
Aside: discussion of PostGIS container automatically configuring, see:
Security scan is possible with some image repositories, e.g.
Configuration options:
Ubuntu baseline
JNDI - one has optional JNDI for PostGIS (
CORS - or reverse proxy in front of GeoServer or
Tomcat Version
Java Version: Did a test and it worked quite well to support multiple java versions
How to start this?
Start at ← (done) jody to setup repository and team
Start at ← contains prebuilt images
Needs to set up organization
Start from scratch?
Start from one that is close …
Release process?
Start off manually
We really want this done at at the end of the day
Is it just an environment variable? To download latest versions…
Nightly build? “nightly-master” “nightly-stable” “nightly-maintenance”
Version: “2.14-nightly”, … -
Development stream: “stable” ,”maintenance”
Release series: “2.15”, “2.14”, …
COG reader
Pure java implementation, doing range requests, caching optional, more info here:
Base class extending imageio-ext TiffImageReader
A couple classes are copied wholesale with a few modifications due to visibility restrictions (private / final) in the code
Is this going to be a problem with license? - ImageIO-ext is LGPLv3, ImageIO is (mostly) BSD.
Can we just modify the classes in question to relax these restrictions - yes, as long as it is in imageio-ext
Can mostly be done via coverage parameters in GT/GS
How to configure caching parameters?
Environment variables for now, to get this moving along
COG Reader SPI
- Make two SPIs? One for caching and one not?
Pure java - HTTP vs S3 vs Azure
Azure uses some wasb URLs containing auth/bucket information that is incompatible with pure HTTP
GDAL-based COG - has some nodata issues around mosaicing…
Next step: Add as plugin to imageio-exts
Add tests
Swap System.out to logging
Start with pure-java, maybe add GDAL later
2.16.0 Release
Currently in progress
GSIP-176 Cite Test Activity
Ran out of time to discuss, move to mailing lists