Actions from prior meetings:- Torben: Jenkins Java upgrade to OpenJDK 17, after release
Emmanuel: start a crowdsourcing doc with emmanuel in time for foss4gna
[In Progress] Peter: Research who is using GeoServer for crowdsource funding contacts
David: save wicket dialog work on a branch
[DONE] Jody: start wicket9 shared branch / milestone
Peter: 2.26.0 release on the 18th, Jody can shadow to help create new branches
Agenda- “GeoServer 3” Crowdfunding
2.26.0 Release
Actions- Jody: GeoServer Blog post for GeoServer 3
- Gabriel: Outstanding PRs for 2.26.0 - imageio-ext, workspace admin
GeoServer 3 Crowdfunding
Camp2Camp, GeoSolutions, GeoCat have announced a call for Crowdfunding to support the JDK, JAI, Spring, etc. updates:
Under the moniker “GeoServer 3” to get attention, and express scope of change
going to a major version forces retest for “authority to operate”, probably good given amount of change
Similar crowdfunding for OpenLayers was €300k
Q: Are we okay with GeoServer 3.0?
We wanted to save version 3.x for data directory incompatibility …
But the amount of change means 3.x is “earned”
Do we want to be more liberal about major version updates going forward?
Make a Proposal?
Q: Do we want a v1 REST API
- Yes it would be a good change to make to support future activities (e.g. v2 API to support front-end clients)
Q: Do we want to make a blog post?
- Yes, Jody will do so as employee not PSC
2.26.0 Release
Release is 1 week away, heading into soft code freeze soon.
JTS 1.20.0 got in?
WIcket 9? Is it going to be ready?
CSP warnings → yes
Anything broken → nothing found yet
Not sure how to unstick this …
plan: merge after 2.26.0 release, and then focus on resolving CSP errors
Asked for testing of nightly build - since we do not have an RC
MapML and some other new features …
Test with your data directory…
Release scheduled for Wednesday September 18th:
- freeze: Peter and Jody talking about locking down codebase Monday/Tuesday
Azure BlobStore and COG Reader
Still need one for imageio-ext
Gabriel will get a pull request made
Getting this merged & released in time might be a challenge
Other PRs:
- - still needs docs, planning on having it ready in time.
Please review!
Has been tested in prod by user(s)
The XPath CVE is now under active attack, please update (to versions 2.24.4, 2.25.2, 2.23.6, or newer). If you have not updated already check your system.
Any way we can contact our users?
The user list just go shut off - lol
And replaced with a forum (less subscribers) -
Peter was looking at shodan → 370 contacts
Should we contact as a public service?
How about Geoseer? GeoSeer - Results for
That is also a good idea