Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 12:08:24 +0200
Subject: RE: [Geoserver-devel] getLegendGraphic as text
Ecco due esempi, uno é l'sld che mi hai mandato tu e l'altro é una colormap
Dopo te ne mando altri
var sld =
'<StyledLayerDescriptor version="1.0.0" ' +
'xmlns="" ' +
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"value" : "V0305"
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"Second Layer" : {
"userStyles" : [ {
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"Point" : {
"fill" : true,
"stroke" : true,
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"strokeColor" : "olive",
"strokeWidth" : "2",
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"graphicName" : "star"
"id" : "OpenLayers.Rule_82",
"name" : "first rule second layer",
"filter" : {
"filters" : [ {
"type" : "..",
"property" : "number",
"lowerBoundary" : 1064866676,
"upperBoundary" : 1065512599
}, {
"type" : "~",
"matchCase" : null,
"property" : "cat",
"value" : ".*\\*good"
}, {
"filters" : [ {
"type" : "<=",
"property" : "FOO",
"value" : 5000
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"type" : "!"
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"type" : "||"
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"version" : "1.0.0"
var sld =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>'+
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'xsi:schemaLocation=" StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd" '+
'xmlns="" '+
'xmlns:ogc="" '+
'xmlns:xlink="" '+
'<!-- a named layer is the basic building block of an sld document -->'+
'<!-- they have names, titles and abstracts -->'+
'<Title>A boring default style</Title>'+
'<Abstract>A sample style that just prints out a green line</Abstract>'+
'<!-- FeatureTypeStyles describe how to render different features -->'+
'<!-- a feature type for lines -->'+
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'<ColorMapEntry color="#A46530" quantity="5000" label="4000-5000" opacity="1"/>'+
'<ColorMapEntry color="#FFFFFF" quantity="8685" label=">5000" opacity="1"/> '+
var a = {
"namedLayers" : {
"userStyles" : [ {
"defaultsPerSymbolizer" : true,
"rules" : [ {
"symbolizer" : {
"Raster" : {
"colorMap" : [ {
"color" : "#FFFFFF",
"quantity" : -1,
"label" : "No data",
"opacity" : 0
}, {
"color" : "#CEC3FF",
"quantity" : 0,
"label" : "Below Sea Level",
"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#008100",
"quantity" : 100,
"label" : "0-100",
"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#299E11",
"quantity" : 200,
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"opacity" : 1
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"color" : "#59BE30",
"quantity" : 300,
"label" : "200-300",
"opacity" : 1
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"color" : "#8CDB5B",
"quantity" : 400,
"label" : "300-400",
"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#C6F78C",
"quantity" : 500,
"label" : "400-500",
"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#C6EB7A",
"quantity" : 750,
"label" : "500-750",
"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#CEDF6C",
"quantity" : 1000,
"label" : "750-1000",
"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#CFD364",
"quantity" : 1500,
"label" : "1000-1500",
"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#C6BB52",
"quantity" : 2000,
"label" : "1500-2000",
"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#BD9E4B",
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"opacity" : 1
}, {
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"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#A46530",
"quantity" : 5000,
"label" : "4000-5000",
"opacity" : 1
}, {
"color" : "#FFFFFF",
"quantity" : 8685,
"label" : ">5000",
"opacity" : 1
} ]
"id" : "OpenLayers.Rule_79"
} ],
"title" : "A boring default style",
"description" : "A sample style that just prints out a green line",
"propertyStyles" : {},
"defaultStyle" : {
"fillColor" : "#808080",
"fillOpacity" : 1,
"strokeColor" : "#000000",
"strokeOpacity" : 1,
"strokeWidth" : 1,
"strokeDashstyle" : "solid",
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"id" : "OpenLayers.Style_80",
"layerName" : "COUNTRYPROFILES:srtm30"
} ],
"namedStyles" : ,
"name" : "COUNTRYPROFILES:srtm30"
"version" : "1.0.0"
-----Original Message-----
From: Carlo Cancellieri []
Sent: 10 October 2012 9:35 AM
To: Vigetti, Francesca (CIOK)
Subject: FW: [Geoserver-devel] getLegendGraphic as text
mi contatti appena puoi pls?
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 16:14:55 +0000
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] getLegendGraphic as text
Hi all,
so this seams to be not interesting for you (nobody)?
In that case I'll create an extension for my purposes which simply returns a json representation of the rules (in my case for all the interesting layers, all the rules are applied to all the features and each feature matches only one rule).
If you are interested in this extension, please replay to this mail, so I'll start producing a better and more general purpose implementation of this response handler following Andrea's suggestions (evaluate all the features to create the stack of filter rules to actually use).
Here is an example of the generated json (it is simply a json representation of the style right now):
getLegendGraphic: [
description: null,
title: null,
name: null,
symbolyzers: [
name: null,
description: null,
title: null,
type: "RasterSymbolizer",
colormap: {
entries: [
label: "nodata",
opacity: "0.0",
quantity: "-500",
color: "#000000"
label: "values",
opacity: null,
quantity: "0",
color: "#AAFFAA"
label: null,
opacity: null,
quantity: "1000",
color: "#00FF00"
label: "values",
opacity: null,
quantity: "1200",
color: "#FFFF00"
label: "values",
opacity: null,
quantity: "1400",
color: "#FF7F00"
label: "values",
opacity: null,
quantity: "1600",
color: "#BF7F3F"
label: "values",
opacity: null,
quantity: "2000",
color: "#000000"
geometry: "geom",
geometryPropertyName: "geom"
This is the style:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <StyledLayerDescriptor
version="1.0.0" xmlns="" xmlns:ogc=""
xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsi=""
<Title>Simple DEM style</Title>
<Abstract>Classic elevation color progression</Abstract>
<FeatureTypeStyle> <Rule> <RasterSymbolizer> <Opacity>1.0</Opacity>
<ColorMap> <ColorMapEntry color="#000000" quantity="-500"
label="nodata" opacity="0.0" /> <ColorMapEntry color="#AAFFAA"
quantity="0" label="values" /> <ColorMapEntry color="#00FF00"
quantity="1000"/> <ColorMapEntry color="#FFFF00" quantity="1200"
label="values" /> <ColorMapEntry color="#FF7F00" quantity="1400"
label="values" /> <ColorMapEntry color="#BF7F3F" quantity="1600"
label="values" /> <ColorMapEntry color="#000000" quantity="2000"
label="values" /> </ColorMap> </RasterSymbolizer> </Rule>
</FeatureTypeStyle> </UserStyle> </NamedLayer>
Another example:
getLegendGraphic: [
description: null,
title: "0 400k",
name: null,
filter: "[ PERSONS BETWEEN 0 AND 400000 ]",
symbolyzers: [
name: null,
description: null,
title: "0 400k",
type: "PolygonSymbolizer",
color: "#444444",
opacity: "0.7",
perpendicularOffset: null,
geometry: null,
geometryPropertyName: null
description: null,
title: "400k - 2M",
name: null,
filter: "[ PERSONS BETWEEN 400000 AND 2000000 ]",
symbolyzers: [
name: null,
description: null,
title: "400k - 2M",
type: "PolygonSymbolizer",
color: "#DDDDDD",
opacity: "0.7",
perpendicularOffset: null,
geometry: null,
geometryPropertyName: null
description: null,
title: "2M - 4M",
name: null,
filter: "[ PERSONS BETWEEN 2000000 AND 4000000 ]",
symbolyzers: [
name: null,
description: null,
title: "2M - 4M",
type: "PolygonSymbolizer",
color: "#FF4D4D",
opacity: "0.7",
perpendicularOffset: null,
geometry: null,
geometryPropertyName: null
description: null,
title: "> 4M - 5M",
name: null,
filter: "[ PERSONS BETWEEN 4000000 AND 5000000 ]",
symbolyzers: [
name: null,
description: null,
title: "> 4M - 5M",
type: "PolygonSymbolizer",
color: "#4D4DFF",
opacity: "0.7",
perpendicularOffset: null,
geometry: null,
geometryPropertyName: null
description: null,
title: "Boundary",
name: null,
symbolyzers: [
name: null,
description: null,
title: "Boundary",
type: "LineSymbolizer",
perpendicularOffset: null,
strokeColor: "#000000",
dashArray: "null",
geometry: null,
geometryPropertyName: null
name: null,
description: null,
title: "Boundary",
type: "TextSymbolizer",
geometry: null,
geometryPropertyName: null
description: null,
title: "> 9M",
name: null,
filter: "[ PERSONS> 9000000 ]",
symbolyzers: [
name: null,
description: null,
title: "> 9M",
type: "PolygonSymbolizer",
color: "#AAAAAA",
opacity: "0.7",
perpendicularOffset: null,
geometry: null,
geometryPropertyName: null
description: null,
title: "Boundary",
name: null,
symbolyzers: [
name: null,
description: null,
title: "Boundary",
type: "LineSymbolizer",
perpendicularOffset: null,
strokeColor: "#000000",
dashArray: "null",
geometry: null,
geometryPropertyName: null
name: null,
description: null,
title: "Boundary",
type: "TextSymbolizer",
geometry: null,
geometryPropertyName: null
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 08:54:53 +0000
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] getLegendGraphic as text
On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 5:52 PM, Carlo Cancellieri <> wrote:
I'd like to know if someone discussed about the way to get the legend in a textual format (json or xml).
Does it make sense to return the lists of rules (filtered) as XML or json if someone requests the getLegendGraphic in that format (application/xml, application/json)?
I guess so? What's the use case, trying to generate the legend client side?
Yes, that's what I really need.
Doing so is not easy as you may end up with different symbolizers for
the same feature, different feature type styles and figuring out how
they can be combined is sort of work of magic unless you are also
doing a full evaluation against of the features and see what
combinations are used in reality
My intention is to reproduce the current implementation of the getLegendGraphic serializing the obtained final set of rules (used to renderize the legend) to a text representation (xml and json).
I still have to investigate on possible problems and the amount of time to code needed, so I'm just looking around right now.
is there a "standard" way to transport the rules and relatives symbolizers in json?
Not aware of one
thank you,
Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549
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