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Cross-posting to both geoserver and geotools, because I'm not sure
where to correct this.
I have a JDBC-Imagepyramid datasource with a custom JDBCAccess class
and a config with <coordsys name="EPSG:31468"/>.
I try to access the data with the following WMS requests but WMS 1.3.0
#WMS 1.1.0, WGS84: works!
#WMS 1.3.0, WGS84: fails!
# WMS 1.1.0, 31468, false_easting first: works
#WMS 1.3.0, 31468, false_northing first: fails
With WMS 1.1.0 and axis-order false_easting first (=x first), I see
the expected map.
But with WMS 1.3.0 and axis-order false_northing (=y) first, I get an
empty map. When I look into the logs, this is no wonder:
27 Feb 16:27:41 WARN [org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.jdbc] - The
requested envelope does not intersect the envelope of this mosaic,
result is a nodata image
27 Feb 16:27:41 WARN [org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.jdbc] -
GeneralEnvelope[(5217821.6898565, 4253533.065954762),
(5624733.139761499, 4661551.259516895)]
27 Feb 16:27:41 WARN [org.geotools.gce.imagemosaic.jdbc] -
GeneralEnvelope[(4282000.0, 5238000.0), (4636000.0, 5606000.0)]
I further investigated this and found a problem in
With 1.1.0, input CRS (=state.requestEnvelope().getCoordRefSystem())
has EAST, NORTH. Is identical to this.crs. Identiy, return fine.
Now with WMS 1.3.0 we get as input CRS axis-order NORTH,EAST.
We calculate a MathTransform which is as expected the affine
transposition. Fine until here.
But then comes a section starting with the comment
//x Axis problem???
Here is the problem: Axis order is AGAIN switched, in this case in the
envelope. From my use case I would totally remove this section,
because it is already handled in GeoServer. But I have no idea in
which other cases this code makes sense (outside of GeoServer?).
- --
Dipl.-Inf. Björn Höfling
Software Developer (GIS, Java)
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