we are looking at what makes GeoServer hard to use (or simply impossible to use)
when one has a very large amount of layers/styles/stores/workspaces configured,
and eventually stored in jdbcconfig.
Point in case, to give you an idea: 450 workspaces, 1000 stores, 100k+ layers
So the first thing that shows up is UI bits, the table pages, but the layer one,
are very slow: this is because Gabriel migrated the layer one so that filtering,
sorting and paging are done inside the catalog, but all others are not.
Migrating these is not too difficult, and seems to be rather mechanical, with
no visible consequences for the user (or else, one, the UI suddenly becomes
worth using )
Then there is a category of issues that are instead mixing togherer a full
listing of the catalog, coupled with the “wrong” UI: we dropdowns
or “right/left” choosers such as the style and security ones that end up
listing the name of all stores/layers/styles and whatnot.
In this case it’s the UI element itself that is not really scaling up, it was meant
for small lists.
For these cases I’m not totally sure what to do.
One possible approach is to create “smart” UI components, that would show
a DropDown if the list is short (less than 1000 items?) but would switch
to a textbox with autocomplete otherwise, which would start proposing autocomplete
values as the user types into it.
Or it could be a read only box, with link and a dialog to choose from, and have
a table in the dialog.
These at least are the approaches that are relatively easy to implement.
A combo box looking like a drop down, but editable and with the ability to
shrink the contents of the drop down as one types would probably be best,
but I’m not sure about how that would be done in Wicket.
Finally, there is some very nasty issue in WFS, if you have 100k layers the first
request will try to build a WFS schema containing all the schemas of all
the vector layers.
Do we have any indication on how to proceed, in order to make requests
work only with the feature types needed, instead of having to build a
Godzilla schema and having to drop it every time anything in the config
changes (feature type config, new ft, ft removed)
There are more issues, like CascadeDeleteVisitor doing linear scan,
or capabilities document generation grabbing a list instead of scrolling over
an iterator, that needs to be address, as well, but let’s say these are not
as visible as the issues above, you need some load and very large
caps documents to get into troubles with these, fortunately in our case
the layers are split among many workspaces, which make things
quite a bit more manageable.
Anyways… feedback, suggestions, very important bits that we migth
have missed?
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Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead
GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054 Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
mob: +39 339 8844549
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