[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10047) Provide (just) the BBOX as a parameter in SQL Views

Wouter Scherphof created an issue

GeoServer / ImprovementGEOS-10047

Provide (just) the BBOX as a parameter in SQL Views

Issue Type:





03/May/21 4:11 PM




Wouter Scherphof

In a SQL View definition, we can use the :where_clause: placeholder, which includes the requested BBOX.

It would be very useful to have a similar parameter, :bbox:, with just the BBOX value, so that a spatial index filter can be constructed at the most sensible spot in complex queries (e.g. pass it as a parameter value to a database function).

We currently work around this by passing the BBOX as a viewparam, but it’s quite tedious to set that up.

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