[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10169) WMS multipleValues attribute to dimension looks missing into GetCapabilities

ccancellieri created an issue

GeoServer / ImprovementGEOS-10169

WMS multipleValues attribute to dimension looks missing into GetCapabilities

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27/Jul/21 7:51 PM


linux ubuntu 20





looking at the standard definitions page (page 52) Table C.1 — Contents of a dimension element
available HERE.

I see multipleValues=0|1 available as OPTIONAL attribute to the dimension.

Now I also see that geoserver is using all the other parameters but not this one.

We are working on a frontend and we would like to recognize (without having to specify over the frontend configuration) if the layer supports the multiple dimension values or not, not supposing that but checking the real backend capabilities so also checking for that attribute.

MapServer is implementing that so I was wondering IF there’s a way to obtain the same attribute also from geoserver (already implemented).

I know geoserver supports multiple values but from the url we can’t understand if it’s a geoserver and personally I would not add logic to frontend if the indication of that ‘may’ come from the backend.


When you have a custom dimension (but also works over time and elevation) you can have a list of values to select in the request. Let me make an example:
Having a dimension called ‘x’ with values a,b,c you may want to query the server with:
or (if the server is supporting that)
which may return granules from you both values of that dimension.

What we are missing apparently is ‘multipleValue’ as attribute in the getCapabilities letting the clients know that the server is capable of returning tiles resulting from multiple values of the same dimension.

It’s still unclear to me if this also apply to dimensions with interval or duration (my usecase at the moment is related only to lists of custom dimensions)

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