[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10490) Could layer within GeoServer config, GWC out of synch

Jody Garnett created an issue

GeoServer / TaskGEOS-10490

Could layer within GeoServer config, GWC out of synch

Issue Type:


Affects Versions:







14/May/22 12:04 AM






Jody Garnett

This error message is a side-effect of a catalogue failure that happens after the fact. The complete error message is:

13 038 10:38:20 ERROR  [geowebcache.GeoWebCacheDispatcher] - Request failed
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not locate a layer or layer group with id LayerInfoImpl-4a15a5e5:17e9b318d34:-7fde within GeoServer configuration, the GWC configuration seems to be out of synch
        at org.geoserver.gwc.layer.GeoServerTileLayer.getPublishedInfo(GeoServerTileLayer.java:364)
        at org.geoserver.gwc.layer.GeoServerTileLayer.isEnabled(GeoServerTileLayer.java:322)

And the “problem” shows up when this attempt to get published info is called:

As the above bug reports show we expect GeoServer and GWC have gotten our of sync during a delete or move between workspaces.

This mitigation task is but to prevent GeoServerTileLayer.getPublishedInfo() returning null from causing problems:

  • Log a warning mentioning the GeoServerTileLayer name, and information on what specific gwc-layers/LayerInfo.xml or LayerGroupInfoIml file is troubled.
  • Treat out of sync GeoServerTileLayer as disabled so that WMTS GetCapabilities and Wicket can continue to function (while sending warnings to log)
  • Propose making a tool to re-sync (or at least clean up the mess) similar to disabling and enabling tile caching for the affected layer
  • If this really occurs when a layer is deleted then we are likely finding an orphaned GeoServerTileLayer (which can be removed)

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