[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-10580) Server status summary improvements for locks, connections, resource cache

Jody Garnett created an issue

GeoServer / BugGEOS-10580

Server status summary improvements for locks, connections, resource cache

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Jody Garnett


Wicket UI


07/Jul/22 9:16 PM




Jody Garnett

It has been some time since I looked at the internals of the server status page, and I found a number of “easy” improvements could be made:

  • formatting values to include units - so “threads” and “ms” do not appear in the description
  • actually counting the locks
  • counting all the connections, not only datastores
  • checking resource pool to provide a number for resource cache (so you can see the results of clearing)

To make this change I modified values to be a Map<String,Object> so I could make use of StringResourceModel when formatting values.

Reference: https://nightlies.apache.org/wicket/guide/8.x/single.html#_stringresourcemodel

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