Using a REST API script using a weakly typed language the difference between a string and an int resulted in a coverage.xml POST with following invalid ReferencedEnvelope crs:
In GeoServer 2.21.4 this was preserved:
<nativeCRS class="projected">...</nativeCRS>
In newer releases (GeoServer 2.24.x and 2.23.0, … GeoServer 2.22.2?) the ReferencedEnvelopes having no crs:
<nativeCRS class="projected">...</nativeCRS>
While this does not look like a significant change … select WCS operations have trouble:
- WCS 1.0.x DescribeCoverage is fine
- WCS 1.1.x DescribeCoverage has a translate error
- WCS 2.0.x DescribeCoverage has a translate error
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "crs" is null
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Translator error
Translator error
Unexpected error occurred during describe coverage xml encoding
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "crs" is null
Cannot invoke "" because "crs" is null
I can only assume that some WCS code paths are ignoring the coverage.xml <srs>EPSG:28992</srs> setting and trusting the native information to be correct and available.