[Geoserver-devel] [JIRA] (GEOS-9395) WMTS REST configuration

Gabriel Roldan created an issue

GeoServer / New FeatureGEOS-9395

WMTS REST configuration

Issue Type:

New FeatureNew Feature

Affects Versions:



Gabriel Roldan




08/Nov/19 10:13 PM




Gabriel Roldan

REST service configuration is available for WMS, WFS, and WCS, allowing to configure global and local-workspace WMSInfo, WFSInfo, and WCSInfo objects, respectively.

When gs-gwc is in the classpath, there’s also WMTSInfo representing the configuration settings for global and workspace-local WMTS services. At this time, it’s merely a ServiceInfo, meaning only basic service metadata can be set, such as title, abstract, and strict CITE compliance mode.

Being able to configure WMTSInfo through the “restconfig” API as done for the other services will allow at least setting workspace specific service metadata, and put WMTS service configuration on-par with the other services.

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