On a related note. I’m slightly confused to how current master of gt + gs should work. I’m trying to get wfs-ng working (“activated”), but I’m not getting much traction. Master (pure, not my branch) with the old wfs module seems to work fine, but If I switch the modules (remove gt-wfs, add gt-wfs-ng), server startup will fail:
23 Jun 12:51:12 WARN [support.DisposableBeanAdapter] - Invocation of destroy method failed on bean with name ‘geoServerLoader’: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationNotAllowedException: Error creating bean with name ‘GWCLifeCycleHandler’: Singleton bean creation not allowed while the singletons of this factory are in destruction (Do not request a bean from a BeanFactory in a destroy method implementation!)
23 Jun 12:51:12 ERROR [context.ContextLoader] - Context initialization failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘wfsDataStorePanel’ defined in URL [jar:file:/home/savolais/twosix/geoserver-2.6-SNAPSHOT/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/lib/gs-web-core-2.6-SNAPSHOT.jar!/applicationContext.xml]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.TypeMismatchException: Failed to convert property value of type ‘java.lang.String’ to required type ‘java.lang.Class’ for property ‘factoryClass’; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find class [org.geotools.data.wfs.WFSDataStoreFactory]
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.doCreateBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:527)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.createBean(AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.java:456)
at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.AbstractBeanFactory$1.getObject(AbstractBeanFactory.java:294)
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Sampo Savolainen <sampo.savolainen@anonymised.com> wrote:
Hi Jody,
Yes, we’ve managed to talk about different things. The parameters I’m talking about are not parameters for the data store, but configuration classes that dictate how cascaded stored queries are executed. For every layer based on cascaded stored queries, there is configuration relatively similar to SQL views. In this case, the configure defines what Stored Query Parameters are sent via each cascaded request. This method can be used to define both static and dynamic values for the parameters (via CQL expressions).
The parameters are stored in featuretype.xml as layer metadata and are passed on as query hints (as with SQL views). The data store then reads these hints and uses them, the query and user supplied viewparams to construct the parameters sent with the stored query request.
Like I mentioned earlier, the classes are needed in geoserver so the UI may manipulate these objects (and serialize/deserialize objects from the data directory).
Sampo Savolainen
R&D Director, Spatineo Oy
Linnankoskenkatu 16 A 17, 00250 Helsinki, Finland
www.spatineo.com, twitter.com/#!/spatineo
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On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com> wrote:
We may be talking about different things, I am talking about datastore connection parameter constants defined in WFSDataStoreFactory. They are explicitly referenced via an import statement in a couple GeoServer files. For the current use of WFSDataStore we would be able to inline these values.
It sounds like a dependency to wfs-ng is needed for your branch. Are your parameters part of DataStore construction or are they additional Query parameters?
Sampo Savolainen
R&D Director, Spatineo Oy
Linnankoskenkatu 16 A 17, 00250 Helsinki, Finland
www.spatineo.com, twitter.com/#!/spatineo
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Jody Garnett
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Sampo Savolainen <sampo.savolainen@anonymised.com> wrote:
The configuration for a cascaded stored query specifies how the parameters for a cascaded request are mapped from viewparams (as SQL views), defaults, and the context of the original query (query envelope, for example).
So a layer created from a cascaded stored query might define:
"The value of parameter X is defined as (‘minimum X value of query envelope’ + ‘maximum X value of query envelope’) / 2 "
"The value of parameter Z is ‘foo’ "
This is done via the classes in my tree of gt-wfs-ng, package org.geotools.data.wfs.internal.v2_0.storedquery. These classes are persisted in featuretype.xml and the configuration is set up in the UI, so the classes must be available (somehow) for the UI to work. As the classes are in gt-wfs-ng, the requirement that geoserver work with either gt-wfs or gt-wfs-ng plugged in, is a big problem.
Does this help or are we talking about different things?
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com> wrote:
Let me check…
Factory is used in:
RemoteOWSTestSupport: Just a test so it can have a direct dependency. Checking the details the factory is used both directly and for the parameter keys. No reason not to inline the keys and use datastore finder
GetMapKvpRequestReader: same deal, used for parameter keys and could be replaced
WFSDataStore interface: not used directly in GeoServer
WFS_1_0_0_DataStore: not used directly in GeoServer
WFS_1_1_0_DataStore: not used directly in GeoServer
WFSTransactionState: not used directly by GeoServer
So perhaps you can be more specific?
Sampo Savolainen
R&D Director, Spatineo Oy
Linnankoskenkatu 16 A 17, 00250 Helsinki, Finland
www.spatineo.com, twitter.com/#!/spatineo
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Jody Garnett
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Sampo Savolainen <sampo.savolainen@anonymised.com> wrote:
By “constants”, were you referring to the parameter classes? The classes I’m talking about are proper real live classes which are used to configure how stored query parameters are derived from the query. These are much more complex than constants.
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 12:28 AM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com> wrote:
We do not have that many references to these constants, consider using “inline” with a TODO comment to switch it back after the migration is complete. Has the advantage of being easy/quick.
Sampo Savolainen
R&D Director, Spatineo Oy
Linnankoskenkatu 16 A 17, 00250 Helsinki, Finland
www.spatineo.com, twitter.com/#!/spatineo
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Jody Garnett
On Mon, Jun 23, 2014 at 6:13 AM, Sampo Savolainen <sampo.savolainen@anonymised.com> wrote:
Good point. We can compile my current branch as-is if we depend on gt-wfs-ng as a provided dependency, but that won’t stop things from breaking at runtime. The classes that are used to define the values of stored query parameters currently reside in gt-wfs-ng, so this would need to be refactored for the drop-in replacement idea to work in my case.
Just to throw out some ideas:
- The parameter classes could be moved to geoserver so they would be available regardless if the user uses wfs or wfs-ng. This would however place the burden of resolving the parameters into gs instead of gt-wfs-ng and would reduce the usefulness of the stored query support in standalone gt (i.e. without geoserver)
- The parameter classes could be moved somewhere closer to gt core so they would be available regardless if wfs or wfs-ng is plugged in.
- UI code relating to the stored query configuration can be wrapped with reflection and Class.forName() and protected so it will work regardless wfs or wfs-ng is in use
Option 1 is less than optimal design wise as it would lessen the usefulness of cascaded stored query sources. Option 3 would require a lot of tip-toeing around and we would end up with somewhat dirty code. This is especially unfortunate as this affects a core UI view. Option 2 feels best from my view.
Thoughts? If you feel option 2 is the way to go, I’d appreciate ideas regarding where the parameter classes should be stored in.
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Geoserver-devel mailing list
On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Andrea Aime <andrea.aime@anonymised.com> wrote:
Sampo Savolainen
R&D Director, Spatineo Oy
Linnankoskenkatu 16 A 17, 00250 Helsinki, Finland
www.spatineo.com, twitter.com/#!/spatineo
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On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 6:36 PM, Justin Deoliveira <jdeolive@anonymised.com> wrote:
No objection personally, but I’m wondering how that will affect Sampo’s work.
I supposedhis pull request won’t even compile if we are not depending on wfs-ng?
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Cool, I think for now what I’ll do is proceed with making wfs-ng a pure drop in and package it up as a community module for geoserver. Along with it documentation that specifies installing it requires removing the old one**. And then once we are more confident with it and it has seen some more user testing we can perhaps perform the switch and make it the default, packaging up the original as an extension.