Hey all, I just wanted to give an update on the work that Social Change
Online is doing in GeoServer.
Yesterday I constructed a branch for them, so soon we should all be able
to check out the code, and they can work directly there. I've been
reviewing their code as we've gone along. The branch successfully made it
through the move to subversion.
They have done a good bit of work to allow GeoServer to handle more
complex database and resulting gml structures. Most of the work has been
done in GeoServer itself, with some decent success. I want to roll their
work into GeoTools, refactoring it to make use of more appropriate data
structures in GeoTools, and hopefully figuring out a way to handle what
they want to do more generically in GeoTools. Unfortunately real world
constraints has Rob working to get some results this week, so I'm letting
them work on a branch and doing their changes in GeoServer. I believe the
next step is to get the xlinks in the returned GML right. I'm hoping to
help them out where possible this week, so they can hit their deadline.
Then we will revisit the code and figure out a strategy to get it in
GeoTools. They've done some great work to show and produce for a real use
case, and it makes thinking about this very hard problem a lot easier.
The branch is called complex_sco. It will have too much that belongs in
GeoTools, so it will stay as it's own branch, as a point of reference of
the functionality that is needed. For now GeoServer head will be 1.2. I
will work on rolling all the changes I made on GeoTools 2.0.x to GeoTools
head (trunk), and during that process we will branch. I've not yet
decided if we should branch 1.2.x and have head be 1.3, or branch for 1.3
for a bit. But one or the other will happen relatively soon.
And note that we are changing over to subversion today. Thanks to all who
got their fixes in to GeoServer for the move.
best regards,