[Geoserver-devel] On Holidays until July 5th

Hi, everyone, I'm away on holidays until July 5th.

I see there's lots of people trying to track down problems - sorry I'm
not available to help do that.

For those of you finding new issues in 1.3.0-RC1, consider rolling back
to the last beta, also available from the source forge download.

There's still portions of Geoserver dependent on JAI - I'll try to
resolve that when I get back.

Matthew D. Diez: I havent been able to reproduce the RC1 "slow down" -
Its about the same speed as always (almost instant response).

I'll address these issues when I return (if others havent already solved
them) - thanks for reporting them.

Keep sending errors - and put them in JIRA (with a "fixed version of
1.3.0"). All your bug reports are appreciated as they make Geoserver


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