Can we combine the pages on this topic:
Near as I can tell the expectations of someone doing a GSIP should be:
1. Preconditions
* An action that has a major effect on others
* Breaking backwards compatibility or core code change
2. Sanity checks
* Can the improvement go in a community module? It is not a GSIP then ...
* Is this a bug fix? It is not a GISP then ...
3. Create a new proposal as a child of Proposals Under Discussion
4. email the development and user lists
5. collect comments and link to comments from your wiki page
6. Declair your proposal ready (send email?)
* Show up at an IRC meeting to answer questions
* The PSC will accept or reject your proposal within two weeks
7. Move your page and create a Jira item when your proposal is accepted
8. Implement change (following project procedures such as unit testing)
9. Move your page and mark Jira item as completed
I can find no documentation on:
- care and feeding of community modules (think it is just send email before you start)
- how to take your community module into GeoServer (perhaps it is a GSIP?)