Fancy meeting you here. :]
I will look over the document links you provided, and will make a list
of items that need to be updated. In the meantime, I will listen to
the mailing lists and will bug you guys about incubation again after
the 2.2 release.
Thank you for the update.
On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 1:10 AM, Jody Garnett <> wrote:
Welcome to geoserver-devel
On Tuesday, 17 July 2012 at 1:09 PM, Landon Blake wrote:
I'm attempting to help out the OSGeo Incubation Committee. Jody
Garnett mentioned Geoserver may need an incubation mentor. I've
subscribed to the developer and user mailing list, and I wanted to ask
a few questions:
1) Is Geoserver still interested in becoming a OSGeo Project?
We have an active change proposal, but the undertaking has stalled out and
not been updated in living memory:
This page has links to our OSGeo incubation questionnaire, the known tasks
for incubation, and green checks indicating our current progress.
These tasks probably need to be updated to reflect the incubation checklist:
(The changes to the checklist mostly reflect the desire for open
development, something the geoserver community IMHO does very well)
2) Is there currently a mentor helping Geoserver through incubation?
We have not been contacted on geoserver-devel for some time.
3) Where is the project at in the incubation process?
Not much recent progress, we did update our license page as part of moving
to sphinx docs and should make sure our incubation page refers
to the correct link.
Currently the project is focused on making the GeoServer 2.2 release, OSGeo
is viewed as a marketing exercise and has not come up in our project
priorities. I can put it on the agenda for our next meeting, but I would not
expect any serious thought until after the release is out.
I'm very new to the OSGeo incubation process, and I'm not a Geoserver
user (just yet), but I'm very interested in helping the project become
an OSGeo Project in whatever way I can.
Thanks for your support!