[Geoserver-devel] Problem on using geoserver-1.3.0-RC3 + MapBuilder Demo

When trying to execute some of the demo maps at

(accesible via the "See WMS layers in new MapBuilder GUI" link) and
selecting some of the sample maps, the application does not shows any
map. I'm using Tomcat on RedHat 9. Just uncompressed the
geoserver-1.3.0-RC3-war.zip at webapps/ directory. No changes made to
the server. I've tested with the following browsers:

Mozilla FireFox 1.0 (Windows)
Internet Explorer 6.0.26 (Windows)
Mozilla 1.7.12 (Windows)

I also have downloaded the geoserver-1.3.0-RC3-bin.tar.gz and tested
but also fails. Maybe there is some bug or I have to configure
something else? I have read the docs and I think everything is fine.
No reference about the new feature (the MapBuilder+Geoserver demo) was
found on the docs. If you need more info, just ask for it.

Victor Polo de Gyves.

There is a problem with the map preview at the moment. We will be addressing it for the next release.
Thanks for reporting the issue.

Brent Owens

De Gyves wrote:

When trying to execute some of the demo maps at

(accesible via the "See WMS layers in new MapBuilder GUI" link) and
selecting some of the sample maps, the application does not shows any
map. I'm using Tomcat on RedHat 9. Just uncompressed the
geoserver-1.3.0-RC3-war.zip at webapps/ directory. No changes made to
the server. I've tested with the following browsers:

Mozilla FireFox 1.0 (Windows)
Internet Explorer 6.0.26 (Windows)
Mozilla 1.7.12 (Windows)

I also have downloaded the geoserver-1.3.0-RC3-bin.tar.gz and tested
but also fails. Maybe there is some bug or I have to configure
something else? I have read the docs and I think everything is fine.
No reference about the new feature (the MapBuilder+Geoserver demo) was
found on the docs. If you need more info, just ask for it.

Victor Polo de Gyves.

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